**************** **************** ** cs ** Cohort study summaries **************** **************** Overview: The "cs" command is used to obtain summaries and inference for cohort or cross-sectional designs. Usage: "cs Dvar Evar" Where - Dvar is the disease variable (1=disease, 0=control) Evar is the exposure variable (1=exposed, 0=unexposed) Note that the display for "cs" is with disease groups forming rows and exposure groups forming columns. Summaries: The "cs" command returns point estimates and confidence intervals for the risk difference, risk ratio, and (optionally) the odds ratio. In addition, attributable or prevented fractions for the exposed and total population is returned. risk difference = p1 - p0, the difference between the probability of disease among the exposed minus the probability of disease among the unexposed. risk ratio = p1/p0, the ratio of the probability of disease among the exposed relative to the probability of disease among the unexposed. odds ratio = [p1/(1-p1)]/[p0/(1-p0)], the ratio of the odds of disease among the exposed relative to the odds of disease among the unexposed. attributable fraction for the exposed = the percent of cases among the exposed that could be eliminated if exposure was eliminated. Computed as (p1-p0)/p1 = [RR-1]/RR. attributable fraction for population = the percent of cases within the population that could be eliminated if exposure was eliminated. Let N1 be the number of exposed, and N0 be the number of unexposed. We would remove N1*(p1-p0)/p1 cases by removing exposure. The fraction of total cases would be this amount relative to the total number of cases, N1+N0. Therefore, the net effect in the population is [N1*(p1-p0)/p1]/(N1+N0) = (percent exposed among cases)*(attr fraction exposed). Options: (1) "cs Dvar Evar [fweight=freq]" -- this is used when the data are in a "grouped" format with the number of cases/controls that have a certain covariate combination given by the variable "freq". See notes pg 52 for cc example. (2) "cs Dvar Evar, exact" -- the exact option will compute significance using Fisher's exact test. (3) "cs Dvar Evar, by(Svar)" -- specifies that 2x2 tables are to be formed for the strata given by "Svar". Within stratum statistics are shown and then combined with Mantel-Haenszel weights. (4) "cc Dvar Evar, by(Svar) bd" -- the addition of "bd" specifies that the Breslow-Day test of homogeneity of risk ratios across the strata be calculated. **************** **************** ** cc ** Case-control summaries **************** **************** Overview: The "cc" command is used to obtain summaries and inference for case-control or cross-sectional designs. Summaries: The "cc" command returns point estimates and confidence intervals for the the odds ratio and attributable or prevented fractions for the exposed and total population. Usage: "cc Dvar Evar" Where - Dvar is the disease variable (1=disease, 0=control) Evar is the exposure variable (1=exposed, 0=unexposed) Note that the display for "cc" is with disease groups forming rows and exposure groups forming columns. Options: (1) "cc Dvar Evar [fweight=freq]" -- this is used when the data are in a "grouped" format with the number of cases/controls that have a certain covariate combination given by the variable "freq". See notes pg 52. (2) "cc Dvar Evar, exact" -- the exact option will compute significance using Fisher's exact test. (3) "cc Dvar Evar, by(Svar)" -- specifies that 2x2 tables are to be formed for the strata given by "Svar". Within stratum statistics are shown and then combined with Mantel-Haenszel weights. (4) "cc Dvar Evar, by(Svar) bd" -- the addition of "bd" specifies that the Breslow-Day test of homogeneity of odds ratios across the strata be calculated. **************** **************** ** mcc ** Matched case-control summaries **************** **************** Overview: The "mcc" command is used to obtain summaries and inference for matched case-control or cross-sectional designs. Summaries: The "mcc" command returns McNemar's chi-square test, point estimates and confidence intervals for the difference, ratio, and relative difference of the proportion with the exposure, along with the odds ratio. Usage: "mcc Evar1 Evar0" Where - Evar1 is the exposure variable (1=exposed, 0=unexposed) for the cases. Evar0 is the exposure variable (1=exposed, 0=unexposed) for the controls. Options: (1) "mcc Evar1 Evar0 [fweight=freq]" -- this is used when the data are in a "grouped" format with the number of cases/controls that have a certain covariate combination given by the variable "freq". See notes pg 52. (2) Note: there is no exact option since the default ouput also calculates exact binomial p-values. (3) Note: the by(Svar) option is not available. To obtain separate analyses one need to use "mcc Evar1 Evar0 if Svar==1"