Biostat 580B - Statistical Genetics Seminar
1 credit
Autumn Quarter 2003
Seminar: Tuesday 3:45-4:45, in F643 HSB
This is a participatory seminar! Students, postdocs, faculty
all present their own work and/or papers from the literature.
Remember the important questions:
Why? What? Why? How? Why? What next? and WHY?
(Why is this question important? What did they do? Why did they choose this approach?
How did they do it? Why did they choose these methods? What should
come next? Why is this the next logical step?)
For lists of suggested topics, click here .
Autumn 2003 SCHEDULE
Sept. 30: All
Organizational meeting. Everyone should bring a topic that
they want to learn something about (relevant to statistical genetics).
Please bring it written down on a piece of paper - it makes compiling the
list so much easier. For previous lists, see links on this web page.
Elizabeth will announce a small competition. Also she has added an overdue
update to the diallelic vs biallelic
Oct 7: Ting-Yuan and Grace Ge
VJ Vieland and J Huang (2003) Two-locus
heterogeneity cannot be distinguished from two-locus epistasis on the basis
of affected-sib-pair data. Am J Hum Genet 73(2):223-232.
Oct. 14: Caroline Cutting and Bill Stewart on the topic of Map model
Leal (2003) "Genetic Maps of Microsatellite and Single-Nucleotide
Polymorphism Markers: Are the Distances Accurate" Genetic Epidemiology
Oct. 21: Arindam Roy Choudhury and Garrett Hellenthal on the topic of
Trait model miss-specification:
Clerget-Darpoux et al (1986) "Effects of
misspecifying genetic parameters in lod score analysis" Biometrics 42:393-399
Oct. 28: Elisabeth Rosenthal: MCMC analysis of complex traits caused by
multiallelic loci.
Nov. 4: Teresa Kim and Helen Kim
Multivariate models in pedigree analysis: Allison et al (1998)
"Multiple Phenotype Modeling in Gene-Mapping
Studies of Quantitative Traits: Power Advantages." American Journal of
Human Genetics 63:1190-1201.
For a comment on negatively correlated multivariate traits, see the comment by Angel
Nov. 11: No seminar: Veteran's day
Nov. 18: Yun Ju Sung: "Likelihood inference for mutation accumulation experiments"
Abstract: Mutations, important in evolutionary biology,
are studied in mutation accumulation experiments.
Statistical inference for these experiments
is very difficult
because mutations aren't directly observable.
We proposed a new Monte Carlo method for likelihood inference
in general missing data models.
The talk will describe our experience developing
computer programs applying our method to these experiments.
Nov. 25: Audrey Fu and Paul Scheet
Multivariate trait models in pedigree analysis (cont). Amos CI, de Andrade M, Zhu DK
(2001) Comparison of multivariate tests for genetic linkage. Human Heredity
Dec. 2: Angel Wan: "Comparison of multivariate linkage approaches using
variance components"
Dec. 9: Weiva Sieh and Joe Rothstein
Risch N, Giuffra L. Model misspecification and multipoint linkage
analysis. Hum Hered 1992;42:77-92. (Note: this is pre-electronic edition. Make
a copy from the paper in the biostat or stat folder).
Last updated:
Tuesday, 01-Oct-2013 20:41:08 PDT
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