Biostat 580B - Statistical Genetics Seminar

Instructor: Ellen Wijsman
Instructor: Elizabeth Thompson

1 credit

Spring Quarter 2000
Seminar: Tuesday 4:00-5:00 T-360** NOTE LOCATION**

Reminder: Everyone should read the papers (make a copy from the copy left in the stat mailbox, or the purple biostat 580B homework folder under the biostat mailboxes). Discussion leaders are only expected to spend 15-20 minutes presenting the assigned papers. If you don't understand everything, focus on what you can, and try to think about what is important about the papers, and what open questions you are left with.

Remember the important questions:

Why? What? Why? How? Why? What next? and WHY?


March 28: Elizabeth Thompson

We decided to continue with the same three topics, bascically!
Focusing maybe a bit more on disequilibria, population issues, etc.

April 4: Anne-Louise Leutenegger

April 11: Maureen Reiner, Jessica Maia

April 18: Warwick Daw, Solly Sieberts

Starting with the background to MCMC on pedigrees:

and maybe progressing to more recent developments, such as Note from Warwick:
Note that there are options to the left of the text to download PDF or PS versions.

Those with no experience of MCMC should read the first paper.
Those who know about MCMC should try to read the second one (also?)

April 25: France Gagnon, Hao Liu

(This paper is available via PUBMED, France.)

May 2: Erin Conlon, Eric Anderson
What is the outcome of a GAW like?

(This is the GAW10 summary paper for the simulated data GAW10 problem)

Also, Eric and Erin will discuss, on the same GAW problem:
Todorov et al., "Probabilities of IBD patterns in sibships when the parents are not genotyped." Genetic Epi. 14:909--913, and
Goldin and Chase, "Improvement of the power to detect complex disease genes by regional inference procedures" Genetic Epi. 14:785--789
There are copies of the readings in the purple statgen folder in biostat, and in the statgen box in the statdept mail room. The web ref is Genetic Epidemiology, Vol 14, Issue 6.

May 9: Lindsey Dubb, Gosia Bogdan
What is known about genetic epidemiology of asthma?

Well, that web ref isn't quite right either --- it seems to be the next paper in the journal. However, that paper might be of interest also!

Also, two other papers, in the StatGen boxes (or soon):

and The first of these will also be discussed. The other is for general information.

May 16: Nicky Chapman, Ellen Goode

May 23: Do Peterson, Michael Li

May 30: Mike Badzioch

Other seimars etc;

April 11:
1.00 p.m. Nicky Chapman's general exam; probably in Biostat conference room.

April 21;
3.30 p.m. Eric Anderson wil give the ACMS seminar

For Links to other seminars of interest this quarter at the UW
click here.

For a link to the GAW12 announcement
click here.

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