Biostat 581. Statistical Genetics Seminar.

Spring 2019 Topic: Epigenetic analyses

Instructor: Ellen Wijsman,

Note on attendance for registered students: Please let Ellen know if you will be missing one of the meetings due to illness or other excusable absence.

I haven't gotten all the information up yet from our organizational meeting. I am still working on it. The key information for the next couple of weeks is up, and partial information for the rest of the quarter.

A paper to refer to throughout the quarter: Teschendorff & Relton (2018) "Statistical and integrative system-level analysis of DNA methylation data", Nature Reviews Genetics 19(3):129-147, doi: 10.1038/nrg.2017.86,
Each week everyone should try to read the noted relevant parts that parallel the paper of the week. (Presenters of the week are not responsible for presenting from this paper - it is for everyone's benefit to help understand the topic).

Another paper that might be of interest to define/describe epigenetics:
Jablonka and Raz (2009) "Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: prevalence, mechanisms, and implications for the study of heredity and evolution" The Quarterly Review of Biology 84(2):131-176.


April 2. Scheduling day.

April 9. Overview: what is epigenetics?
Teschendorff 2018 paper, p 129-130 (first section)
Moore et al (2013) "DNA methylation and its basic function", Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews 38:23-38, doi: 10.1038/npp.2012.112 (main paper: a good starting point).
Bock (2012) "Analysing and interpreting DNA methylation data", Nature Reviews Genetics 13:705-719, doi: 10.1038/nrg3273, (A second paper, more for some of the chemistry; use if needed).

Presenters:Adrian, Esther, Edward

April 16. Deconvolution methods part 1, mixed samples.
Teschendorff 2018 paper, p 130-133
Houseman et al (2012) "DNA methylation arrays as surrogate measures of cell mixture distribution", BMC Bioinformatics 13:86.

Presenters:Pearl, Amarise

April 23. Deconvolution methods part 2, correcting for heterogeneity in gene expression.
Teschendorff 2018 paper, p 130-133
Leek and Storey (2007) "Capturing heterogeneity in gene expression studies by surrogate variable analysis" PLoS Genetics 3:1724-1735

Presenters: Charles

April 30. Feature Selection part 1, bump hunting.
Teschendorff 2018 paper, p 135-138
Jaffe et al. (2012) "Bump hunting to identify differentially methylated regions in epigenetic epidemiology studies" International Journal of Epidemiology 41(1):200-209.

Presenters: Hanley, Maria

May 7. Feature Selection part 2, differential variability
Teschendorff 2018 paper, p 135-138
Jaffe et al.(2012) "Significance analysis and statistical dissection of variably methylated regions". Biostatistics 13(1):166-178.


May 14. An application:
Bailey et al 2016 "Genomic analyses identify molecular subtypes ofpancreatic cancer" Nature 531:47-51+.

Presenters: Alan, Priyanka

May 21. Research talk: "Mutation rate estimation from 3-way IBD"

Presenter: Xiowen

May 28. Research talk: "Controlling for population structure in genetic association studies in admixed populations".

Presenter: Kelsey

June 4. Research talk: "Evolution of germline mutation rate in great apes"

Presenter: Michael