1 credit
Winter Quarter 2000
Seminar: Tuesday 4:00-5:00 F-600 Biostatistics conference room
We continue the 3 themes chosen fall quarter: (1) Human population genetics esp. with
reference to use of haplotype data; (2) Linkage analysis from 1934-1999, including
modelling, heterogeneity, choice of prior distributions, and possibly motivating
with a case-study (that worked); (3) recent literature (the past 2 years) including
gene expression chips, gene-environment interactions, etc.
Jan. 4:
Jan 11:
Jan 18:
Jan 25:
Feb. 1:
Feb. 8:
Williams et al (1999) Joint multipoint linkage analysis of multivariate qualitative and quantitative traits. I. Likelihood formulation and simulation results. Am J Hum Genet 65:1134-1147 (Oct. issue), and
Williams et al (1999) Joint multipoint linkage analysis of multivariate qualitative and quantitative traits. II. Alcoholism and event-related potentials. Am J Hum Genet 65:1148-1160 (Oct issue).
You can get get these through the
electronic journal web site at the UW.
Feb. 15
SM Leal and J Ott (2000) Effects of stratification in the analysis of affected-sib-pair data:
benefits and costs. Am J Hum Genet 66:000-000 (it is in the Feb 2000 issue, latest issue,
which you can get to through the
electronic journal web site at the UW.
Feb 22:
Anne_louise Leutenegger: Will give a summary of her current research: "Identification of candidate regions for homozygosity mapping using pairs of markers"
Feb 29:
DM Umbrach and CR Weinberg (2000) The use of case-parent tirads to study joint effects of genotype and exposure. Am J Hum Genet 66:251-261 (Jan). You can get this through the electronic journal web site at the UW.
Mar 7:
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