1 credit
Winter Quarter 2000
Seminar: Tuesday 4:00-5:00 F-600 Biostatistics conference room
Jan. 2:
Jan. 9:
A related article which you should try to read is: Bittner et al (2000)
Molecular classification of cutaneous malignant melanoma by gene expression profiling.
Nature 406:536-540.
Jan. 16:
Jan 23:
Jan 30:
Feb 6:
and you can find a list of errata and typos at:
Feb 13:
Feb 20:
Ben-Dor A et al. (2000) Universal DNA Tag Systems: A Combinatorial Design Scheme. J Comput Biol 7 (3-4): 503-519.
Here's a brief description: There has been a recent suggestion that life might be better if, instead of using DNA arrays custom designed for an experiment, there were Universal DNA Arrays that could be used. The use of a universal DNA chip has two advantages: first, such chips could be made cheaply (mass produced), and second, hybridizations that are delicate (high chance of cross hybridization) would be made in solution where conditions can be more easily made to be unfavorable for cross hybridization.
This paper explains how one might design such a Universal Array.
Feb 27:
Leeflang et al (1995) Single sperm analysis of the trinucleotide
repeats in the Huntington's disease gene: quantification of the
mutation frequency spectrum. Human Molecular Genetics
Mar 6:
HJ Cordell, GC Wedig, KB Jacobs and RC Elston. Multilocus linkage tests
based on affected relative pairs. Am J Hum Genet 66(4):1273-1286 (2000)
For Links to other seminars of interest this quarter at the UW
click here.
Feb 5: Chris Triggs, whom we welcome back to the Stat Dept and the StatGen
seminar for the next six months, will be giving the Stat Dept seminar on
Feb 5, 2001.
For any potential StatGen postdocs
(US citizens or green-card holders only):
The Genome Training Grant, which now contains a designated Statistical Genetics
component, is advertising for potential postdocs. Anyone interested, please
see one of the GTG
Statistical Genetics faculty. Feel free to pass on this
message. (Unfortunately the GTG does not have a web page (yet).)
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Washington, including all images and photographs (of more than 20,000 pixels
in size) unless otherwise noted.