Suggested topics: Meeting of Jan 9, 2007

Linkage disequilibrium and admixture mapping

Modeling LD: Audrey suggests
S. R. Browning (2006) Multilocus association mapping using variable-length Markov chains AJHG

Admixture mapping: Amy suggests
Reich, Patterson, De Jager et al. (2005) A whole-genome admizture scan ..... multiple sclerosis. Nature Genetics 37: 1113--1118
Smith, O'Brien (2005) "Easy-to-read review", Narure Reviews Genetics, 6: 623--632.

Modeling/Estimating LD using pedigree info

Non-standard genetic markers

Deletions, copy-number variants, null alleles

Complex traits

Multivariate traits: Yanming suggests
Verzilli CJ, Stallard N, Whittaker JC (2005)
Bayesian modeling of multivaruate quantitative traits using seemingly unrelated regressions. Genetic Epidemiology 28: 313--325.

Genome-wide association studies

Several Abecasis papers from Amy:
Skol, ..., Abecasis ...(2006) "Multistage design" Nature Genetics 38: 209--213
Abecasis, Cookson ,Cardon (2001) "QTDT" AJHG 68: 1463--1474
Abecasis, Cookson, Cardon (2000) Pedigree tests of transmission disequilibrium. Eur. J. Hum. Genet 8: 545--551

Several suggestions from Rori:
Marchini et al. (2005: Apr) Genom-wide strategies for detecting multiple loci .... Nature Genetics (if we did not already do it)
Zhao,Jin,Xiong (2006: Nov) Test for interaction between unlinked loci. AJHG
Zaykin, Meng, Ehm (2006) Contrasting LD in cases and controls .... AJHG
Wang, Elston (2006, Dec) Improved power by weighted ... for LD mapping. AJHG

Evolution, expression, development and linkage for complex traits

Suggestions from Chad Brock:
QTL analysis of traits associated with function morphology
-- e.g. feeding ecology in fish, body armor in sticklebacks

Microaray analysis of developmental genes
---phylogenetics of gene expression, and correlation with changes in morphology/development
Estimating the stability of the genetic covariance matrix
-- effects of drift, selection, etc on genetic covariances.