This is a participatory seminar!
Students, postdocs, faculty all present their own work
and/or papers from the literature.
No student auditors, please.

Remember the important questions:


Everyone should read the papers for weeks in which we read a journal article. If the paper is available electronically, we will provide the reference, and you may download your own copy from the healthlinks web site, or through the UW e-journals page.

If the paper is not available electronically, we will find a way to get it scanned and distributed. This will take a bit more planning, and presenters should talk to the class instructor ~2 weeks in advance of the session in which that paper will be presented.

Discussion leaders are only expected to spend 20-30 minutes (jointly) presenting the assigned paper(s). If you don't understand everything, focus on what you can, and try to think about what is important about the papers, and what open questions you are left with. KEEP THE NUMBER OF PREPARED SLIDES TO A SMALL NUMBER (AROUND 6), TO ENCOURAGE DISCUSSION. It is also fine to simply use the chalk board!

A few additional comments on the history of the seminar and on goals and guidelines are here