This is the report from the second DEXA exam of a 54-year-old postmenopausal woman:
"The lumbar spine (L2) shows a BMD of .824 g/cm2. This is 69% compared to a young adult, and 77% compared to age matched controls.
BMD in the Ward's triangle is .609 g/cm2 which is 67% compared to a young adult, and 82% compared to age matched controls.
Impression: Compared with normal young adult (T-score), the BMD is 3.1 SD below the mean for lumbar spine, and 2.3 SD below the mean for femur Ward's triangle. This demonstrates slight interval improvement compared with the prior study. however, there still persists osteoporosis in the lumbar spine and osteopenia in the femur Ward's triangle region.
Updated 8/8/05