Review of liver transplant papers

Author Date design yrs N BMD Fxs Markers Comments
Ramsey-Golman 99 retro 4 since tx 49 . 0.102 . data from questionnaire, all symptomatic
Vedi 99 pros,bx 0.3 21 . . . increased BFR, MPm 4 to 12%, other changes not sign.
Hussaini 99 pros 2 56 dec then inc again . . .
Crosbie 99 pros 2 12 only gave T scores (age 48-65) -1.9, dropped to -2.2 then increased again in spine, hip kept losing . ocal decred first couple months, then increased. dpy incr low 25D
Reeves 98 pros 0.75 13 . 0/13 . those with spine BMD<.84 given pamidronate Rx pre-tx and post tx
Floreani 98 pros 1 26 spine -1.4% at 3 mo, then return to pre tx . ocalcin increased after 6 mo, PTH increased progressively .
Ninkovic 98a pros 0.3 37 no change LS, hip .85 to .83 35% pre-tx, 27% had new fx, more likely in those with prevalent fx . .
Leidig-Bruckner 97a obs 3.3 130 . 1st yr 14%, 2nd 21%, 3rd 31% . .
Martinez 97a xs 5 p tx 68 spine z-1 . . after steroid withdrawal BMD went up to Z=-.4
Giannini 97a xs 1 p tx 39 low T scores . . .
Eberwein 97a pros trial 2 109 . 20% with cyclosproine and 12% with FK506 . .
Monegal 97 xs pre-tx 58 low . low 25D, low osteocalcin, low test pts referred for tx
Losowsky 96 review . . . . . .
Riemens 96 pros 1 53 spine -6%;hip -7%, most loss during frst 3 mo at spine, continual at hip 0.25 PTH inc,ocal dec all got 1-alpha and cyclical eti
Abdelhaki 95 pros 1 9 decreased p tx . ocalcin increased p tx .
Valero 95 xs and random, not control 1 120, 40 in trial spine +6.4% calcitonin, +8.2% eti . Ocal high those with z<-2 random to calcitonin or eti, others lost 3.4%/yr
Neuhaus 95 obs 2 150 from 6 mo post tx, LS +5%, hip +2% in untreated, higher in treated 13% untreated, 0 treated; f/u after first 6 mo . treated with various drugs, fluoride, calcitonin
Navasa 94 xs . 91 . 0.24 . .
Hawkins 94 xs 1.5 since tx 82 some had OP no atraumatic fxs osteocalcin high .
Meys 94 pros 1 16 long 3.5% decrease p tx 29% (8% in pre-tx group) . spine 6 mo -2.7, 12 mo -4.2
Crippin 94 retro . 203 PBC low . . those who got estrogen had improvement in BMD without worsening cirrhosis
Hay 93 review . . . . . .
Hodgson 93 xs bxs . 12 . . . PBC: dec wall thickness, increase turnover variably,
Lindor 93 review . . . . . .
Rabinovitz 92 pros 0.1 30 . . vit D decreased p tx, no change ocalcin after 1 mo .
Arnold 92 pros 1.5 mean 48 z score spine -.59 to -.91 0.31 . convert to % using z = 11%: 3.9, 5.9, 3.5 after 6,12,24 mo
Eastell 91 xs&obs . 210 PBC 7% lower than age-matched, lost 2%/yr. in 20 pts p tx, decrease at 3 mo, same at 1 yr, 5% above at 2 yr at spine 13/20 . one AVN
Hanley 91 db-bl . 12 . . . study of cyclosporin in PBC lower PTH, higher osteocalcin
McDonald 91 pros bxs 1 35 low; QCT dec 24% in 3 mo, then stable 1 wrist . bone formation lower in men, same in women as in controls pre-tx; 3 got AVN
Guanabens 90 xs bxs . 20 . . . bxs in pts with PBC show low bone formation, not fullblown OM
Watson 90 xs . 11 . . ocalcin increased with cyclosporin Rx or with tx all with PBC