UW Discovery Seminar (Early Fall Start 2005)


GEOG 195 Where is China? Special Topics in Geography

(5 credits)


MTThF 9:30-12:00 EE031 (also Smith 415C, Collaboratory)

Instructor: Prof. Kam Wing Chan, Smith 424; Phone: 543-6994; Email: kwchan@u.washington.edu.

Webpage: http://faculty.washington.edu/kwchan/. Office hours: M 1:00-2:00 or by appointment.


Course website:  http://courses.washington.edu/chinageo/195/


Course Description:

This course takes students on a geographic exploration of the country through a multi-scalar and multi-media study of several social and economic issues that have drawn world attention. Those issues will be examined in the context of China’s development and globalization with the aid of a geographer’s interdisciplinary lenses.  Each of the four weeks will examine one set of related issues at a different geographic scale: the national scale, the macro-regional scale; the local scale, and the “periphery”. This class draws on multiple sources of materials. The objectives are to enhance students’ global education; gain an understanding of China; develop learning skills at the college level such as library, web, analytical and writing skills. The course is run in a seminar and “discovery” format. This course caters to students interested in social sciences, especially international studies, political science, geography, economics, urban studies.


Weekly Topics:

1. National: “Who will feed China? The issue of population.

2. Regional: the coast versus the inland

3. Local (and global): the Pearl River Delta

4. The “periphery”: Hong Kong, and greater China



Students are expected to follow assigned weekly readings, which will be available online.



Three assignments (30%), one short paper (20%), two quizzes (30%), attendance and participation in class (20%).