Chinese 201-202-203 Supplementary Materials Packet

Note: These materials are for use with the first edition of Integrated Chinese Level 2. They have not been udpated since 2005.

You will need the free Acrobat Reader in order to view these materials. (If your computer system does not have Chinese capability, be sure to include the Asian Language Files in your installation.)

Please contact me if you experience any problems with the display or printing of the pdf files. You may check the "Errata" section of any lesson to confirm that you can see both traditional and simplified Chinese characters and toned pinyin. The files are large; some display problems may be solved by increasing the memory allocation of Acrobat Reader.

If you are an instructor, you can get information on the instructor edition.

Booklet 1 (Fall Quarter)

Booklet 2 (Winter Quarter)

Booklet 3 (Spring Quarter)

version: June 15, 2005

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