Check out the variation between the different cats dissections. Click on each image to see the larger version.
Pectoralis Muscles on ventral side of chest |
Head to the right
Head to the left
External oblique & linea alba
Head is to the left, with exposed rectus abdominus muscle fibers by removing part of the linea alba
Dorsal - Lumbar Region |
Head is to the left; the lumbodorsal fascia has been removed, in part to expose the large bundles of the longissimus dorsi & the more medial multifidis spinae |
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Shoulder Dorsal Views; Deep - the acromiotrapezius has been peeled back to expose rhomboideus & serratus ventralis |
Serratus Ventralis - from a lateral view, very deep; latissimus dorsi has been removed, shoulder pulled out to expose posterior part of serratus ventralis. Head towards the left. |
Lateral Views - deep; head to the left; acromiotrapezius partially removed to expose supraspinatus, infraspinatus & teres major |
Throat & neck - anterior is towards the top of the screen |
Ventral view; mylohyoid uncut, & digastric, sternohyoid visible |
Lateral view - far lower right shows the masster; a few lymph nodes & salivary glands are also visible |
Dorsal view of the head, (facing to the right). Cutaneous muscles were cut to expose the temporalis muscle on the skull. |
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