Testudines (Chelonia)
Turtle Skeleton -
Ventral view shows limbs, girdles & hyoid

Close-up of pectoral
girdle has scapula, coracoid & clavicle.

Close-up of the pelvic
girdle with pubis, ischium & ilium.


Iguana Skeleton -
dorsal view pectoral limbs

Iguana - pelvic girdle
& hind limbs

Iguana - sternum with a
bit of the interclavicle exposed medially.

Varanid cervical
vertebrae, includes the axis at far left. The 1st
vertebra, the atlas is missing

Iguana Skeleton -
lateral view of the pectoral girdle & hyobranchial

Varanid trunk vertebrae
(dorsal view). Locate the prezygapophyses.

Varanid trunk vertebrae
(lateral view). Note the large articulation surfaces for the
ribs on the transverse processes.

Varanid sacral
vertebrae (2).

Varanid caudal
vertebrae with large hemal canals within the "chevron"

Alligator skeleton -
dorsal view.

Alligator skeleton -
lateral view.

Alligator - pectoral
girdle bones with scapulae dorsal to the coracoids. The
interclavicle is at the right.

Alligator - gastralia
or abdominal ribs

Alligator paired humeri
at the left & paired femurs on the right.

Alligator lower limbs -
The radius & ulna pairs are at the left & the
tibia/fibula pairs are at the right along with the 2 largest
tarsal bones the astragalus & calcaneus.

Alligator vertebrae
& pelvis - Cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae with
sacral vert. attached to ilium. Ischium bones face
posteriorly & the pubic bones are detached.

Alligator front &
hind feet - Parts of some digits are missing & the feet
show a few of the carpal or tarsal bones.

Gull Skeleton

Gull Pelvis

Pigeon Skeleton -
lateral view

Pigeon Skeleton -
frontal view of the pectoral girdle & the wing.

Gull - frontal view of
the pectoral girdle & the wing.

Miscellaneous bird
furculas (from the fusion of the clavicles &

Humboldt Penguin wing
(below) & flattened forearm bones, radius, ulna,
carpometacarpus & phalanges (above).

scapula-coracoids. The scapula angle upwards & are
thinner & longer than the coracoids.

Miscellanous bird
humeri (proximal heads to the left). The top 2 face
anteriorly & the bottom 3 face posteriorly.

2 pairs of bird
radius-ulna bones.

Bird "trunks" showing
ribs, synsacrum & pelvic girdles.

Bird leg bones - 2
unmatched femurs on the far left, paired tibiotarus &
fibulas in the center & 2 unmatched tarsometarsi on the

Bird dorsal view of
cervical vertebrae showing the short neural spine &
pre-zygaphyses to the left.

Posterior view of cervical
vertebrae with transverse foramina, the heterocoelous
centrum & post-zygapophyses

Bird thoracic vertebrae
(lower)& caudal vertebrae (upper)

Caudal verterebrae ending in

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