Georgia O'Keeffe, Pelvis III


Integument Photos - Part 1, Anamniotes

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Click on each image to see the larger version. "AGNATHANS"

Hagfish - note the row of ducts located ventrally along the body for the exit of mucous from the numerous slime glands

Hagfish - this row of larger pores are the exits for water from the hagfish's gills.

Hagfish Skin - higher power shows thin epidermis with unicellular mucous glands (at bottom of image), thick dermis with connective tissues (green) & smooth muscle (red). Chromatophores are numerous at the epidermal & dermal boundary.

Hagfish Slime Gland - high power shows part of large, deep epidermal slime gland (at bottom) & surrounding skeletal muscle that must contract to expel the slime.

Lamprey Skin - shows epidermis at far right with some unicellular mucous glands. Dermis is relatively thin compared to the hagfish. Far left shows some muscle tissue in cross section.

Hagfish Skin - Low power shows epidermis & dermis of skin & the skeletal muscle that surrounds slime gland.



Shark Dermis - note the ~ 90 degree angles between different groups of collagen fibers in the dermis.

Shark Skin - shows 1 placoid scale that has pulled away from the surrounding epidermis. Find the pulp cavity in the scale. Locate the chromatophores both in the epidermis & within the pulp cavity of the scale. A little bit dermis is present as the dermal papilla associated with the scale.


Bony fish skin at low power.

Bony fish skin at high power showing the dermal scale & overlying (thin) epidermis with unicellular mucous glands.

Bony fish scales - ganoid, cycloid & ctenoid


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