Health Services 572/573 Community Development
for Health Spring
Quarter 2009
Course Pack : Available at the South Campus Center University Bookstore; and
Book: Dreams from My Father, by Barack Obama . Read Part Two: Chicago. (Available from on-line booksellers. We recommend AbeBooks.com.
Quick Link to Weekly Readings |
Packet 1 (Read by April 5)
- Putnam, R. The Prosperous Community; Social Capital and Public Life. The American Prospect, sp 1993.19
- Cottrell, L. The Competent Community. Chapter 11 of Further Explorations in Social Psychiatry. 1976.
Packet 2 (Read by April 12)
- Staples, L, “Selecting and Cutting the Issue” in Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, edited by Minkler, M, 2nd Edition, Chapter 10.)
Packet 3
(Read by April 19)
- McIntosh P. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Peace & Freedom. July/August 1989: 10-12.19
- Gutierrez, L; and Lewis, E: “Education, Participation, and Capacity Building in Community Organizing with Women of Color,” in Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, edited by Minkler, M, 2nd Edition, Chapter 13.)
Packet 4 (Read by April 26)
- Lebowitz, Fran. Fran Lebowitz on Race. Vanity Fair, p. 220-224, October 1997
- McDonald, M; Sarche, J; and Wang, C; “Using the Arts in Community Organizing and Community Building” in Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, edited by Minkler, M, 2nd Edition, Chapter 19.
Packet 5 (Read by May 3)
- Garrow, DJ. Bearing the Cross. Morrow & Co., New York. 1986. Chapter One: The Montgomery Bus Boycott.
6 (Read by May 10)
- Hardin, Garrett. “The Tragedy of the Commons.” Science, Vol. 162, 13 Dec. 1968.
- Berkes, F., “The Benefits of the Commons.” Nature, Vol. 340, 13 July 1989.
Packet 7 (Read by May 17)
- Wallerstein, N; Sanchez, V; Velarde, L “Freirian Praxis in Health Education and Community Organizing” in Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, edited by Minkler, M, 2nd Edition, Chapter 12.)
Packet 8 (Read by May 24)
- Kroll BS. Guide to Conducting Focus Group Research. Rainbow Research Inc. May, 1995.
- Kieffer, GD, The Strategy of Meetings, Introduction and Part 1, pp. 11 – 50, Warner Books, 1988.
Packet 9 (Read by May 31)
- Minkler, M; Wallerstein, N; Community-Based Participatory Research for Health, Introduction, pp. 3-26, Jossey-Bass, 2003.
Optional (Yet Fascinating) Readings
- Putnam, R. Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital. Journal of
Democracy. 6:1, Jan 1995.
- Sarasohn, D. Taking (Back) the Initiative. The Nation. June 18, 2001.
- Galen Institute: http://www.galen.org/news/201/010901.html
- Erenreich, B. The Snarling Citizen. 1995. An Epidemic of Munchausen's Syndrome,
p. 190.
- Goeppinger, J. Community Competence: A Positive approach to Needs Assessment.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 1985.
- Burbank, J. Debunking the Social Security Myth. Seattle P-I, Focus Section.
- Economic Opportunity Institute fact sheet (two pages). 2002.
- Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode instrument
- The Predictive Index: Organization Survey Checklist
- Bobo, K. Organizing for Social Change. 1991. Chapters 3-4.
- Open space technology: http://www.facilitators.com/open_space_technology_facilitation.htm
Definition of Social Environment by Eliz Barnett & Michele Casper
- Definition of Social Environment by Eliz Barnett &
Michele Casper
- Coburn, David. Income inequality, social cohesion and the health status
of populations: the role of neo-liberalism. Social Science & medicine
51 (2000).
- Bezruchka, S. Is Our Society Making You Sick? Newsweek magazine. February
26, 2001.
- House, P. In Defense of Grass. Ballard News-Tribune, 11/22/00.
- Rogers, MB. Cold Anger: A Story of Faith and Power Politics. 1990. Chapter
- Besleme K, Mullin M. Community indicators and healthy communities. National
Civic Review. 1997.
- Baker B. Sustainable Community Checklist. NW Policy Center, Graduate School
of Public Affairs. 1996.
- Berry, Wendell. In the Presence of Fear: Three Essays for a Changed World.
Orion 2001. (read essay #2: The Idea of a Local Economy, pages 11-33.)
- Parker, W. The Art of Deliberation. Educational Leadership. 2/97: 18-21.
- Payne, Ruby. Speaking their Language: working with Students and Adults from
Poverty. Infocus.
- Kawachi, Ichiro and Bruce Kennedy. The Health of Nations: Why Inequality
is Harmful to Your Health. The New Press. 2002. Chapters 3 & 5.
- Flower J. Beyond Economics: Healthy Communities and Healthy Economies. National
Civic Review. 1997.
- Hardin, Garrett. The Tragedy of the Commons. 1968.
- Kemmis, D. Community and the Politics of Place. 1990. Chapter 5, p. 44-49,
& chapter 8, p. 109-118.
- Kunstler JH. Auto-Slum Nation. Speech to the 1997 Seaside Property owners
Annual Meeting.
- Satel, Sally. The Indoctrinologists are Coming. Atlantic Monthly magazine,
Jan 2001.
- Minkler M. Improving Health Through Community Organization, Health Behavior
and Health Organization.
- Duhl LJ. Leadership in American Communities. Nat Civic Rev. 1997
- Erenreich, B. The Snarling Citizen. 1995. Maintaining the Crime Supply,
p. 156.
- Tidbits: the UW's Principles of Community-Based Research; Daily Diet of
Tribal Connection quiz; and Starfield, Barbara: Is equity a scientific issue?
- Mechanic, David. Rediscovering the Social Determinants of Health. Health
Affairs May-June, 2000.
- Fawcett SB. Some values guiding community research and action. J Appl Behav
Anal. 1991.
- Israel BA, Checkoway B, Schulz A, Zimmerman M. Health education and community
empowerment: Conceptualizing & measuring perceptions of individual, organizational,
& community control. Health Ed Q. 1994
- Rossi, Peter H. Evaluating Community Development Programs: Problems and
Prospects. Chapter in Urban Problems and Community Development by Ronald F.
Ferguson. 1999.
- Alinsky, S. Rules for Radicals. 1971. Chapter 1: The Purpose.
- Levy, J. Cesar Chavez: Autobiography of La Causa. 1975. Prologue.
- Greider, W. Who Will Tell the People? 1992. Chapter 9.
- Schwarz,
J. "Research shows protests get action on the environment" University
Week, Aug 19, 2004.
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