CSS 343: Notes from Lecture 3 (DRAFT)
is everybody having fun yet?
assignment 1
dropbox for assignment 1 coming soon...
complete parts 2 & 3 by Thursday (original due date) using
the mock allocator.
mocking or stubbing out modules lets you test client modules
in isolation
this works because you're providing an alternate
implementation for the same interface
a practical benefit of abstraction
may also let you test the mocked out module by giving you a
baseline to compare behavior with
a mock could be a simpler (less efficient) implementation or
a partial implementation, or a routine that returns
pre-canned results for a finite set of input values
whatever suits the needs of the moment
complete part 1 by Tuesday
if your humble instructor has the opportunity to teach this
course again, the rough edges will get sanded down
thank-you for beta-testing this course
OK to use
instead of
using unfamiliar I/O routines doesn't advance the learning
objectives of the assignment
the sample
script was overkill and slightly buggy (sorry!)
for the purposes of the assignment, all that is required
is the command lines that you would type at the console
to compile and run the program
is the same thing as
also same as
(hipster programmer says 'x' is a sideways '+')
the extension does not matter; use whatever's comfortable
as long as it matches your
consistency is good: use the prevailing standard
of your shop
your instructor speaks C++ with an accent
Assignment 1
assignment 1 is about jumping across layers of abstraction
low-level system service
play games with
the abstractions in several ways:
we treat memory in the allocator as a large
array, a linked list of free blocks, and blocks of allocated
we intentionally write past the end of a struct
the interface of the linked-list library is (intentionally)
missing functionality (locate function) has to move into
the application layer
our allocator mimics the functionality of C library functions
in fact our mock allocator is a thin wrapper around the
library functions
the allocator returns a pointer to memory, but it is not
initialized in any way, so the caller has to cast the
pointer to the desired type and do whatever initialization
is required
C++ operators
perform memory allocation/deallocation
invoke the appropriate constructor/destructor function
returns a pointer to a
(i.e. properly initialized)
object automagically
Running Off the End of a Structure
question: what does this do:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int i;
int a[10];
for (i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) {
a[i] = 0;
cout << "initialization complete\n";
return 0;
the program is buggy: 11 of the 10 array elements are initialized
intuitively, we are writing past the end of the array and we
don't know what is supposed to be there that we are
scribbling over
this is a classic off-by-one or
fencepost error
C/C++ lets you do this because, in the name of efficiency,
it does not check array subscripts at run time
C was designed to compete against assembly-language
assembly doesn't even have the concept of an array:
you have to do the pointer arithmetic yourself
C exposes the pointer arithmetic too
this is yet another reason why C-style arrays are
in C++
generally better to use std::vector
criticizing unchecked array subscripts
begs the question
of whether there is, in fact, a universally
good way to signal an array subscript error
C++ allows you to create your own array-like class
that check subscripts and deals with out-of-bounds
errors in some way that works for your particular
this kind of nonsense is why people wind up writing books with titles like
Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Rules for C and C++ Programming
the language standard says a program like this gives
undefined behavior
"undefined" means absolutely anything can happen
a program with undefined behavior may behave differently
with with the same compiler on the same operating system
when compiled with different flags (e.g. debug vs. release
debug flags typically specify low optimization and
enhanced symbols and line number data in the object file
(may not use memory & registers efficiently)
release builds tend to be highly optimized (may use
memory differently, e.g. the loop variable may be kept
in a register and never written to memory)
this means you can have something that seems to work fine
during develoment but breaks in the wild
this kind of buffer overrun bug has been the root cause of
enormous damage, including financial damage and loss of life
among other things the
original internet worm
(not named after your humble instructor) exploited a buffer
overrun in the
the (deprecated) standard C library function
is particularly unsafe because it exposes the bug to
malicious input
actual, observed behavior (with different system/compiler/flags combinations) includes:
error/warning message is issued during compilation
depends on the specific compile-time analyses performed
by the compiler
this particular case may be detectable, but the general
case is not
(cf. the halting problem)
program appears to work as intended
the memory location beyond the end of the array is not
used for anything important
this might be due to alignment requirements, or numerous
other reasons
program crashes with a segmentation fault
the program writes to an address that is protected by the operating system
program goes into an infinite loop and never prints out the message
that's particularly surprising until you realize that
this can happen even though
is declared first
it can also happen if
is declared second
depends on the implementation
this program differs from Assignment 1 because, in Assignment 1, we are
writing past the end of our
into memory
reserved for this purpose
this idiom is legal and accepted (in some vulgar circles),
do this unless you have a
good reason
there do exist good reasons (e.g. serialized data for
networking protocols) but if you think you have a good
reason, think twice and then think again
Interlude: A Random Musing About the Payload
Inside our list structure, we defined a string for the word data
and an integer counter as part of the list node structure. For a
library, this is not very general. Word and count are not a
fundamental part of the list algorithms. There are several
approaches of variable reasonableness to solve the problem (all of
which have been applied):
copy the list code and substitute the payload field(s) using
your favorite text editor
write a program (in any programming language, but some languages
are easier than others) that will read input and write output
like this:
for each line of input
if line does not contain "$$PAYLOAD"
print line unchanged
print the part before "$$PAYLOAD"
print the payload definition
print the part after "$$PAYLOAD"
use the C/C++
mechanism (but this is not
fundamentally different different than case 1)
use the preprocessor
mechanism and some compiler flags to select a file that contains
some definition for a
use C++ inheritance
use C++ templates
template <typename T> struct Node {
T* payload; // or "T payload;" depending on your resource management
Node<T>* Next;
C++ templates are the preferred mechanism for solving exactly this
sort of problem.
More About Sequential Processing
"processing stuff sequentially" is a higher-level abstraction
for linked lists
this is a low level of abstraction:
struct Node {
Node* next;
this is a far, far preferable design:
class Node {
Node* next() {return next_;}
Node* next_;
In the former design, the client code must step through the
list using idom like this:
current = current->next;
In the latter case, the idiom is:
current = current->next();
The syntactic difference between the two is is miniscule but
the semantic difference is huge: in the later case, you can
swap out the implementation entirely
without altering the client code
Alternate implementation:
class Node {
Node* next() {return this+1;}
static Node[MAX_NODE_COUNT];
sequential operations:
asymptotic performance of each operation depends on the particular
implementation (typically either O(1) or O(N) where N is the
number of elements in the list)
common implementations include:
singly-linked linked list
doubly-linked linked list
special cases of sequential processing (may be implemented as
adaptors over general-purpose routines):
insert last, remove first: queue (or LIFO: Last In First Out)
insert last, remove last: stack (or FIFO: First In First Out)
insert first or last, remove first or last: deque
sequential processing is so important that the latest
C++ standard
introduced a
range-based for statement
in practice, use the C++
C++ uses
operator overloading
to introduce the concept of
that mimics the idiom of pointer arithmetic
for (it = container.begin(); it != container.end() ; ++it) {
// process *it
this is high level of abstraction because
does not mean what you think it means
abusing operator overload for fun and profit
Nonsequential Processing
list operations that are nonsequential but could be implemented
in O(N) time:
find total number of elements (could be O(1) if running tally
is kept)
find max/min element (could be O(1) if data is sorted, but
sorting is O(N log N)
find nth (not "Nth") element (O(1) nth operation is
practically the definition of an array)
find some element by its value
there's a pattern here: all operations involve
Interlude: (Mis-)Use of a Phone Book
given a name, finding a number in the phone is an O(log N)
operation and only takes a few moments, even for the NYC
telephone book
given a phone number and finding its name is O(N) operation and
is intractable even for the East-Side-of-Lake-Washington
telephone book
finding the name for a phone number only takes a few moments if
you already know the page and column number—the difference
or the actual value of N
finding stuff by its value
is an extremely
operation—so common, in fact, that we have many names for
the concept:
symbol table
lookup table
associative array
relational database
hash (that's a Perlism, but we'll get to hashing later in
the quarter)
the abstraction is a (key, value) pair
for_each_element (maybe)
for_each_element_in_order (maybe)
the abstraction is a (key, value) pair
dictionaries are distinct from arrays: arrays are about finding
the nth element; with dictionaries you don't know n for the item
you're seeking
dictionaries may be implemented using a linked list (we did this
for assignment 1 at a low level of abstraction)
linked list give O(N) performance
not great performance, but probably ok if
N is small, or
just doing a very small number of lookup operations
can we do better than O(N)?
obviously, since we just did so with the phone book
sort the data, and use binary search algorithm
but sorting is O(N log N) which is much greater O(N), so
where is the savings?
data might arrive already in sorted order so you get
it for free
sorting might happen "offline" when you don't care
about responsiveness
a large number, say O(N), of lookups would be O(N
log N) with sorting versus O(N**2) unsorted
of course, sorting and binary search require an
ordering predicate
reverse index: separate sorted arrays for each key
data by name
original (raw) data
data by value
0 |
bambam |
5 |
1 |
barney |
1 |
2 |
betty |
3 |
3 |
fred |
0 |
4 |
pebbles |
4 |
5 |
wilma |
3 |
0 |
fred |
42 |
1 |
barney |
68 |
2 |
wilma |
33 |
3 |
betty |
24 |
4 |
pebbles |
18 |
5 |
bambam |
54 |
0 |
18 |
4 |
1 |
24 |
3 |
2 |
33 |
2 |
3 |
42 |
0 |
4 |
54 |
5 |
5 |
68 |
1 |
this may lead to screwy nested array subscripting like this:
value = data[ by_name[i].ref ].value
the big problem with sorting & binary search is that it is
insert/delete is expensive (O(N))
data must fit into an array: need to know N before you start
often requires ofline (batch) processing
one way to look at binary search: binary search
tree (BST) with implicit structure
Trees and Binary Trees
A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree with additional
properties, so let's look at trees in general first. Trees
express hierarchical relationships:
a node may have zero or more children and is the parent of
its children
a parent link (equivalent to the previous link in a
doubly-linked list) is handy for some algorithms, but is
frequently unnecessary
most tree algorithms are recursive and the chain from
the root is stored in the call stack of the recursive
function calls
the root is a distinguished node that has no parent
a node with no children is a leaf
a node that is not the root and not a leaf is an interior
for every node, there is a path to it from the root via the
parent-child relationship
a descendant is a child or the descendant of a child
an ancestor is a parent or the parent of an ancestor
the height of a node is the length of the longest path
downward from the node to a descendant leaf
the depth of a node is the length of the longest path from
the root to the node
In a binary tree, a node has up to two children which we shall
an interior node that only has one child is a knee (the child
may be left or right)
but this does not appear to be common terminology
maybe because it doesn't mesh with the genealogy theme
traversal: visit every node (recursive algorithms)
preorder: process current node, then visit left child, then
visit right child
inorder: visit left child, then current process node, then visit
right child
postorder: visit left child, visit right child, then process
current node
additional info at the
wiki page
Binary Search Tree
A BST is a binary tree and an ordering relation where, for each
node, every node in its left subtree is less than the node and
every node in the right subtree is greater than the node
if node has a left child, immediate predecessor is rightmost
left decendant
otherwise, sucessor is first ancestor whose child on the path is
on a right branch
if node has a right child, immediate successor is leftmost right
otherwise, predecessor is first ancestor whose child on the path is
on a left branch
if successor/predecessor is a descendant, it must be a leaf or
knee (otherwise, it would have a right/left child which is closer
to the ancestor)
an in-order traversal visits the nodes in sorted order
insert/delete/find operations are O(log n) if the tree is
reasonably balanced (average case)
insert at knee or leaf
delete: three cases
leaf node: just delete
node has one child: replace node with its single child
node has two children: replace with immediate predecessor or
sucessor (either of which must be a leaf or knee) and reduce
to previous case
nth operation is O(N) without preprocessing
nth can be found in O(log N) time with suitable preprocessing
each node stores the number of children it has (which is
updated in O(log N) time during insert/delete
recursive function must pass down a count-so-far value
Problem with Binary Search Tree
Trees can become unbalanced
an degenerate tree is a linked list with O(N) search
common cases (input already sorted or reverse sorted)
generate degenerate trees (similar to Quicksort problem)
In practice, randomizing the input order gives good average performance
rotation transformation
may be applied to any BST to obtain another valid BST (with the
same data)
a right rotation shortens the left subtree and lengthens the
right subtree (by one node each)
similarly, a left rotation shortens the right subtree and lengthens the
left subtree
we can balance a BST if we are suitably clever about which node
pairs we chose to rotate
various tree-balancing techniques establish a notion of balance
and make appropriate rotations during insert and delete to
maintain the balance invariant
rebalancing may give a performance penalty for insert/delete
in average case (same O(log N) asymptotic performance, but
larger constant)
rebalancing may in some cases be more efficient as
it avoids O(N) insert/delete in the degenerate case
the tradeoff is guaranteed faster lookup time (possibly
asymptotically faster, i.e. O(log N) vs. O(N)