CSS 430
Program 2: Scheduler
Due date: See the Dropbox
This assignment will give you an opportunity to develop an intimate understanding of CPU scheduling, by implementing and comparing the performance of two CPU scheduling algorithms: round-robin and a multilevel feedback queue. More specifically, the assignment is to:
The Scheduler infinitely loops, performing the following steps:
However, the Java Thread Scheduling specification offers no guarantee that a thread with higher priority will immediately preempt a currently running thread with a lower priority. Therefore, the default Scheduler does not rigorously enforce a round-robin scheduling algorithm. One might consider a variety of ways to better approximate a round-robin scheduler; the approach recommended for this assignment is to use suspend() and resume() methods defined in the Java Thread class.
*** Note that great care must be taken when using these methods, as they can easily lead to deadlock conditions, which is why suspend(), resume() and stop() have all been deprecated ... and why you should generally avoid using these methods outside the current context. We use Thread.suspend() and Thread.resume() only for this assignment and only inside Scheduler.java (and its derivatives).
As you might suspect, the suspend() method suspends a target thread, whereas the resume() method resumes a suspended thread. These methods are not system-dependent: no matter what operating systems you use, a target thread is suspended or resumed immediately. In order to implement a more rigorous round-robin CPU scheduling algorithm, we could modify ThreadOS Scheduler to remove the first user thread from its ready queue, dispatch it (give it some CPU time) via the resume() method, and then interrupt it via the suspend() method after an execution quantum has been expired. However, suspend() and resume() may cause a deadlock if a suspended thread holds a lock (Chapter 6) and a runnable thread tries to acquire this lock.
To avoid any deadlocks, we must use synchronized methods and statements, and/or guarded blocks with wait() and notify() methods. These will be covered in more detail later (Chapter 6), and you will be offered an opportunity to become more intimately familiar with them when you explore inter-thread synchronization in Programming Assignment 3. For now, when you see the use of synchronized methods or statements in Scheduler.java, don't remove them or add additional synchronized methods or statements, lest your Scheduler.java become vulnerable to creating deadlocks. You may, however, modify statements within existing syncrhonized methods or statements.
When you compile Java programs that use deprecated methods such as suspend() and resume, you may want to compile them with a -deprecation option. Although the javac compiler will print out some warning messages, just ignore them in this assignment.
uw1-320-20% javac -deprecation Scheduler.java ./Scheduler.java:128: warning: resume() in java.lang.Thread has been deprecated currentThread.resume(); ^ ./Scheduler.java:136: warning: suspend() in java.lang.Thread has been deprecated currentThread.suspend(); ^ 2 warnings uw1-320-20%
The algorithm of ThreadOS Scheduler is implemented in Scheduler.java. It manages each thread via a thread control block (TCB).
The current implementation of the TCB class includes four private data members:
The TCB constructor simply initializes these private data members with arguments passed to it. The TCB class provides four associated public methods to retrieve its private data members: getThread(), getTid(), getPid(), and getTerminated(). In addition, it also has a setTerminated() method that sets terminated true.
Data members | Descriptions |
private Vector queue | a list of TCBs for all active threads; this is the ready queue |
private int timeSlice | a time slice allocated to each user thread execution |
private static final int DEFAULT_TIME_SLICE = 1000 | the unit is milliseconds (i.e., 1000 = 1 second) |
private boolean[] tids | Each array entry indicates whether the corresponding thread ID has been used (if so, the entry value is true) |
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS = 10000 | tids[] has 10000 elements |
Methods | Descriptions |
private void initTid( int maxThreads ) | allocates the tids[] array with a maxThreads number of elements |
private int getNewTid() | finds a tids[] array element whose value is false, and returns its index as a new thread ID |
private boolean returnTid( int tid ) | sets the corresponding tids[] element, (i.e., tids[tid]) false. The return value is false if tids[tid] is already false, (i.e., if this tid has not been used), otherwise true |
public int getMaxThreads() | returns the length of the tids[] array, (i.e., the available number of threads) |
public TCB getMyTcb() | finds the currently running thread's TCB in the active thread queue and returns it |
public TCB addThread( Thread t ) | allocates a new TCB to this thread t and adds the TCB to the active thread queue. This new TCB receives the calling thread's id as its parent id |
public boolean deleteThread() | finds the current thread's TCB from the active thread queue and marks its as terminated (sets its terminated field to true). The actual deletion of a terminated TCB is performed inside the run() method (in order to prevent race conditions) |
public void sleepThread( int milliseconds ) | puts the calling user thread to sleep for a specified time period |
private void schedulerSleep() | puts the Scheduler thread to sleep for a time quantum |
public Scheduler( int quantum, int maxThreads ) | receives two arguments: quantum is the time slice allocated to each thread execution and maxThreads is the maximum number of threads to be spawned, (namely the length of tids[]). The Scheduler creates an active thread queue and initializes the tids[] array |
public void run() | This is the heart of Scheduler, which has an infinite loop that
The ThreadOS Scheduler itself is started by the ThreadOS Kernel. It creates a queue of TCBs for managing all user threads invoked by the SysLib.exec( String args[] ) system call. Upon receiving an exec() system call, ThreadOS Kernel instantiates a new user thread (t) and calls the scheduler's addThread( Thread t ) method. A new TCB is allocated for this thread and enqueued in the Scheduler's queue. The Scheduler executes an infinite while loop as described above.
When a user thread calls SysLib.exit() to terminate itself, the Kernel calls the Scheduler's deleteThread() in order to mark this thread's TCB as terminated. When the scheduler dequeues this TCB and sees that it has been marked as terminated, it deletes the TCB from its queue.
To begin with, run the Test2d thread on our ThreadOS:
[joemcc@uw1-320-18 ThreadOS]$ java Boot threadOS ver 1.0: Type ? for help threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-3,2,main] tid=0 pid=-1) -->l Test2d l Test2d threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-5,2,main] tid=1 pid=0) 06383: Thread[a] submitted threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-7,2,main] tid=2 pid=1) 06388: Thread[b] submitted threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-9,2,main] tid=3 pid=1) 06388: Thread[c] submitted threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-11,2,main] tid=4 pid=1) 06389: Thread[d] submitted threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-13,2,main] tid=5 pid=1) 06389: Thread[e] submitted threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-15,2,main] tid=6 pid=1) 08378: Thread[a] is running ( 100, 0) 08481: Thread[a] is running ( 200, 3) 08583: Thread[a] is running ( 300, 5) 08685: Thread[a] is running ( 400, 7) 08787: Thread[a] is running ( 500, 9) 08889: Thread[a] is running ( 600, 11) 08991: Thread[a] is running ( 700, 13) 09093: Thread[a] is running ( 800, 15) 09195: Thread[a] is running ( 900, 17) 09297: Thread[a] is running ( 1000, 19) 09380: Thread[b] is running ( 100, 0) 09399: Thread[a] is running ( 1100, 21) 09482: Thread[b] is running ( 200, 2) 09501: Thread[a] is running ( 1200, 23) 09584: Thread[b] is running ( 300, 4) 09603: Thread[a] is running ( 1300, 25) 09686: Thread[b] is running ( 400, 6) 09705: Thread[a] is running ( 1400, 27) 09788: Thread[b] is running ( 500, 8) 09807: Thread[a] is running ( 1500, 29) ...
Test2d spawns five child threads from TestThread2d, named a, b, c, d and e. A message will be printed when each thread is submitted, showing [the least significant 5 digits of] the timestamp and the thread name. Then for each simulated CPU burst, a message will be printed showing the timestamp, thread name and the CPU execution time and wait time for the thread thus far. When a thread terminates, a message showing the timestamp, the thread name, its response time, total wait time, total execution time and turnaround time will be shown. If the round-robin schedule is rigidly enforced to give a 1-second time quantum to each thread, you should see each thread printing out a "running" message for the thread 10 times consecutively. However, messages from different threads will be mixed up on your display.
Make a backup copy of the distribution scheduler (e.g., cp Scheduler.java Scheduler_0.java).
Now, modify the ThreadOS' Scheduler.java code using suspend() and resume(). There are 5 modifications, all affecting statements calling setpriority(): 3 statements will be removed, 2 will be replaced.
Compile your modified Scheduler.java with javac, and test it with Test2d to confirm that your Scheduler has implemented a more rigorously enforced round-robin scheduling policy. If your Scheduler is working correctly, each TestThread2d thread should print out a message 10 times consecutively.
You can also run Test2c, which also spawns five child threads, named a, b, c, d and e, though it runs TestThread2c rather than TestThread2d for those threads. Unlike Test2d, no submission message will be printed, nor will any intermediate results be shown. When a thread terminates, a message showing the timestamp, the thread name, its response time, total wait time, total execution time and turnaround time will be shown.
-->l Test2c l Test2c threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-17,2,main] tid=7 pid=0) threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-19,2,main] tid=8 pid=7) threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-21,2,main] tid=9 pid=7) threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-23,2,main] tid=10 pid=7) threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-25,2,main] tid=11 pid=7) threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-27,2,main] tid=12 pid=7) 84749: Thread[b]: response: 2999; wait: 4018; execution: 1000; turnaround: 4018 87248: Thread[e]: response: 6006; wait: 6517; execution: 500; turnaround: 6517 87797: Thread[c]: response: 4001; wait: 7066; execution: 3000; turnaround: 7066 87834: Thread[a]: response: 1998; wait: 7104; execution: 5000; turnaround: 7104 91948: Thread[d]: response: 5004; wait: 11217; execution: 6000; turnaround: 11217 Test2c finished; total time = 11225 -->
Run Test2c on both your round-robin and the multilevel feedback queue schedulers.
The following table shows the threads' CPU burst times:
Thread name | CPU burst (in milliseconds) |
Thread[a] | 5000 |
Thread[b] | 1000 |
Thread[c] | 3000 |
Thread[d] | 6000 |
Thread[e] | 500 |