: Total................................................................. (out of 80 possible points) ========================================================================== 1. Examining Multithreaded Code For Errors 20% (16 points) Your answer for question A: Well done........................................................ 4 Your answer for question B: Well done........................................................ 4 Your answer for question D: Well done........................................................ 4 Your answer for question D: Well done........................................................ 4 Notes: * Let me know ASAP if you submitted these somewhere & I missed it. ========================================================================== 2. Writing Synchronized, Multithreaded Code 22.5% (18 points) ==== Part A: Investigating Java Your answer for synchronized / wait / notify / notifyAll: Include a clear and concise description of how to use this to solve the problem............................... 3 Include a list of pros and cos for this option ................ 3 Your answer for counting semaphores: Include a clear and concise description of how to use this to solve the problem............................... 3 Include a list of pros and cos for this option ................ 3 Your answer for reentrant locks: Include a clear and concise description of how to use this to solve the problem............................... 3 Include a list of pros and cos for this option ................ 3 ==== Part B: Explaining your solution 22.5% (18 points) You included a clear, concise explanation of how your solution works................................. 12 You've cited your sources ......................................... 6 NOTE : YOU MUST HAVE SOURCES. If nothing else we talked about this in class :) ==== Part C: Write the code 30% (24 points) takeForks() works correctly........................................ 8 returnForks() works correctly...................................... 8 testing instrumentation (numPhilosophers() and getDiningState() work correctly................................................. 2 test code works correctly.......................................... 6 Penalty for not using a monitor ............... 0 points for this section ========================================================================== 3. Code Organization 5% (4pts) No comments and horrible code.................................... 0 Poor comments or code organization............................... 1 Well done........................................................ 4