CSS 430
Program 3: Synchronization

Due Date: See the syllabus

1. Purpose

In this assignment, you will implement the monitors utilized by ThreadOS. While standard Java monitors are only able to wake up one (using notify) or all (using notifyall()) sleeping threads, the ThreadOS monitors (implemented in SynchQueue.java) allow threads to sleep and wake up on a specific condition. These monitors are used to implement two separate but key aspects of ThreadOS.

Firstly, using this SynchQueue.java monitor, you will implement SysLib.join( ) and SysLib.exit( ) system calls. The SysLib.join( ) system call will allow the parent thread to wait until a child thread terminates. Secondly, in the Disk IO subsytem, the monitors are used to prevent threads from busy waiting on disk read and write operations. Specifically, in the assignment you will block the current thread if it attempts to execute a disk read or write operation on a busy disk, put it into the SynchQueue's FIFO list, and continue with other scheduled threads for execution. In this way, one can prevent I/O-bound threads from wasting CPU power.

2. SysLib.join( ) and SysLib.exit( )

In Java, you can use the join( Thread t ) method to have the calling thread wait for the termination of the thread pointed to by the argument t. However, if an application program forks two or more threads and it simply wants to wait for all of them to complete, waiting for a particular thread is not a good solution. In Unix/Linux, the wait( ) system call is based on this idea. It does not receive any arguments, (thus no PID to wait on), but simply waits for one of the child processes and returns a PID that has woken up the calling process.

In the first part of this lab you will use the SyncQueue Monitor to implement the SysLib.join() call in ThreadOS. Users of ThreadOS sould not use the Java join() call direcly but should utilize the SysLib.join() system call. We would like the SysLib.join() system call to follow similar semantics as the Unix/Linux join() system call. SysLib.join( ) will permit the calling thread to sleep until one of its child threads terminates by calling SysLib.exit( ). It should return the ID of the child thread that woke up the calling thread.

As noted, you will use SyncQueue.java for implementing the SysLib.join() system call. Kernel.java should instantiate a new SyncQueue object called waitQueue. This waitQueue will use each thread ID as an independent waiting condition.

   SyncQueue waitQueue = new SyncQueue(scheduler.getMaxThreads());

When SysLib.join() is invoked, Kernel.java will put the current thread to sleep and utilize the waitQueue to keep track of the thread. The condition used by waitQueue to track the thread is equal to the thread's ID. When SysLib.exit( ) is invoked, Kernel.java utilizes the waitQueue to wake up the thread waiting under the condition which is equal to the current thread's parent ID. In this way, the exiting thread (child) will notify the waiting thread (parent). See the code below for details:

Please note that one key feature of SysLib.join( ) is to return to the calling thread the ID of the child thread that has woken it up.

What type of underlying support do we need to block and wake-up the threads for SysLib.join() and SysLib.exit()? In Java, all objects come equipped with monitors. A thread can put itself to sleep inside the monitor by obtaining the monitor with the synchronized keyword and calling the wait() method. A thread can be signaled and woken-up by obtaining the monitor and calling calling the notify() method. However, Java monitors do not allow for different conditions to be signalled. Therefore, we need something a bit more for the ThreadOS siutation.

In order to wake up a thread waiting for a specific condition, we want to implement a more generalized monitor. We will call this monitor, SyncQueue. You can use the java monitor support (wait() / notify()) to implement this class. It is also suggested that you create a class QueueNode.java which is utilized by SyncQueue. There will be one QueueNode object per condition supported by the SyncQueue. The SyncQueue class should provide the following methods:

Private/Public Methods/Data Descriptions
private QueueNode[] queue maintains an array of QueueNode objects, each representing a different condition and enqueuing all threads that wait for this condition. You have to implement your own QueueNode.java. The size of the queue array should be given through a constructor whose spec is given below.
public SyncQueue( ), SyncQueue( int condMax ) are constructors that create a queue and allow threads to wait for a default condition number (=10) or a condMax number of condition/event types.
public enqueueAndSleep( int condition ) enqueues the calling thread into the queue and waits until a given condition is satisfied. It returns the ID of a child thread that has woken the calling thread.
public dequeueAndWakeup(int condition), dequeueAndWakeup(int condition, int tid) dequeues and wakes up a thread waiting for a given condition. If there are two or more threads waiting for the same condition, only one thread is dequeued and resumed. The FCFS (first-come-first-service) order does not matter. This function can receive the calling thread's ID, (tid) as the 2nd argument. This tid will be passed to the thread that has been woken up from enqueueAndSleep. If no 2nd argument is given, you may regard tid as 0.

3. Disk.java

Disk.java simulates a slow disk device composed of 1000 blocks, each containing 512 bytes. Those blocks are divided into 100 tracks, each of which thus includes 10 blocks. This disk provides the following commands (all of which return a Boolean value):

Operations Behaviors
read( int blockId, byte buffer[] ) reads data into buffer[] from the disk block specified by blockId
write( int blockId, byte buffer[] ) writes the buffer[] data to the disk block specified by blockId
sync( ) writes back all logical disk data to the file DISK
testAndResetReady( ) tests the disk status to see if the current disk command such as read, write, or sync has been completed or not, and resets it if the command has been completed.
testReady( ) tests the disk status to see if the current disk command such as read, write, or sync has been completed or not. (The disk status will however not be reset.)

The DISK is created when first booting up TheadOS (java Boot). Upon this first invocation, Disk.java checks if your current directory includes the file named DISK. If such a file exists, Disk.java reads data from this file into its private array that simulates disk blocks. Otherwise, Disk.java creates a new DISK file in your current directory. Every time it accepts a sync command, Disk.java writes all its internal disk blocks into the DISK file. When ThreadOS Kernel is shut down, it automatically issues a sync command to Disk.java, so that Disk.java will retrieve data from the DISK file upon the next invocation. You can always start ThreadOS with a clean disk by removing the DISK file from the directory (rm DISK).

The disk commands read, write, and sync return a Boolean value indicating if Disk.java has accepted the command or not. The command may not be accepted if another read, write, or sync is in flight. In this case false will be returned and the command will need to be re-issued until the disk accepts the command and returns true. Note that when a true is returned the read, write, or sync has been accepted and is being executed. It is not necessarily complete. Disk IO is expensive and ThreadOS simulates the time it takes for the Disk to complete the operation and write or read from the buffer[].

When the read and the write have completed and the data has been read or written from the buffer[] the disk completion status will be set to true. Similarly, the sync command does not guarantee that all disk blocks have been written back to the DISK file when it returns; one has to check the disk completion status to determine when this is ready as well. The Disk provides two commands to check the completion status: testAndResetReady( ) and testReady( ). When the read, write, or sync have been completed by the disk the commands will return true, otherwise false. The testAndResetReady( ) will reset the completion status to false if the status had been true. The testReady( ) call simply tests the current status but does not reset it.

The following code shows one way to do a clean disk read operation. Notice that testAndResetReady() command is used to set the disk status so another operation can be performed.

All disk operations are initiated through system calls from user threads. There are handled like all system calls by the ThreadOS Kernel. In Kernel.java the code which executes the system call forwards the disk operations to the disk device, (i.e.,Disk.java). You can see the above read pattern used in Kernel.java. The following code is a portion of Kernel.java related to disk operations:

The above code has two severe performance problems. First a user thread must repeat requesting a disk call until the disk accepts its request. Second, the user thread needs to repeatedly check if its request has been served. Each of these operations are done in a spin loop. While functionally correct, these spin loops will cause the user thread to waste CPU until either relinquishing CPU upon a context switch or receiving a response from the disk. In order to avoid this performance penalty, you will utilize a monitor so that the thread can be enqueued and wait until the appropriate disk operation has occurred.

With the SyncQueue.java, we can now code more efficient disk operations.

          Disk disk = new Disk( 1000 );
          SyncQueue ioQueue = new SyncQueue( );
          // a disk read operation:
          while ( disk.read( blockId, buffer ) == false ) 
             ioQueue.enqueueAndSleep( 1 );   // relinquish CPU to another ready thread
          // now check to ensure disk is not busy
          while ( disk.testAndResetReady( ) == false )
                 ioQueue.enqueueAndSleep( 2 ); // relinquish CPU to another ready thread
          // now you can access data in buffer

In the above example, the condition 1 stands for that a thread is waiting for the disk to accept a request, whereas the condition 2 stands for that a thread is waiting for the disk to complete a service, (i.e., waiting for the buffer[] array to be read or written). The remaining problem is who will wake up a thread sleeping on this ioQueue under the condition 1 or 2. It is the ThreadOS Kernel that will received an interrupt from the disk device. Therefore the kernel can wake up a waiting thread. You can consult the Kernel.java file to see how this is done.

4. Statement of Work

Part 1: Implementing SysLib.join( ) and SysLib.exit( )

Design and code SyncQueue.java following the above specification. Modify the code of the WAIT and the EXIT case in Kernel.java using SyncQueue.java, so that threads can wait for one of their child threads to be terminated. Note that SyncQueue.java should be instantiated as waitQueue upon a boot, (i.e., in the BOOT case), as shown below:

Compile your implementations of SyncQueue.java and Kernel.java, and run Test2.java from the Shell.class to confirm:

  1. Test2.java waits for the termination of all its five child threads, (i.e., the TestThread2.java threads).
  2. Shell.java waits for the termination of Test2.java. Shell.java should not display its prompt until Test2.java has completed its execution.
  3. Loader.java waits for the termination of Shell.java. Loader.java should not display its prompt ( --> ) until you type exit from the Shell prompt.
Use the ThreadOS-original version of Shell.class.

Part 2: Implementing Asynchronous Disk I/Os*

Before going onto Part 2, save your Kernel.java as Kernel.old. Thereafter, modify Kernel.java to use SyncQueue.java in the three case statements: RAWREAD, RAWWRITE, and SYNC, so that disk accesses will no longer cause spin loops. Note that SyncQueue.java should be instantiated as ioQueue upon a boot, (i.e., in the BOOT case).

Write a user-level test thread called Test3.java which spawns and waits for the completion of X pairs of threads (where X = 1 ~ 4), one conducting only numerical computation and the other reading/writing many blocks randomly across the disk. Those two types of threads may be written in TestThread3a.java and TestThread3b.java separately or written in TestThread3.java that receives an argument and conducts computation or disk accesses according to the argument. Test3.java should measure the time elapsed from the spawn to the termination of its child threads.

Measure the running time of Test3.java when running it on your ThreadOS. Then, replace Kernel.java with the older version, Kernel.old that does not permit threads to sleep on disk operations. Compile and run this older version to see the running time of Test3.java. Did you see the performance improved by your newer version? Discuss the results in your report.

To verify your own test program, you may run the Test3 program which ships with ThreadOS. The Test3.class takes two integers as arguments: #ComputeThreads #IOThreads. Depending on the configuration of the machine you are testing on you may require a differing mix of threads to show the improvement from replacing spinning wtih blocking.

[host]$ java Boot
threadOS ver 1.0:
Type ? for help
threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-3,2,main] tid=0 pid=-1)
-->l Test3 3 1
.... will run three compute threads and one IO thread

5. What to Turn In

  • Softcopy:
    1. Part 1:
      • Kernel.old (which you have modified for Part 1)
      • SyncQueue.java
      • Any other java programs you coded necessary to implement SyncQueue.java (QueueNode.java or whatever you named)
      • Result when running Test2.class from Shell.class.
      • Specifications and descriptions about your java programs
    2. Part 2:
      • Kernel.java (which you have modified for Part 2)
      • Test3.java as well as TestThread3a.java / TestThread3b.java if created.
      • Performance result when running Test3.java on your Kernel.old (implemented in Part 1)
      • Performance result when running Test3.java on your Kernel.java (implemented in Part 2)
      • Specifications and descriptions about your java program
    3. Report:
      • Discussions about performance results you got for part 2.
    gradeguide3.txt is the grade guide for the assignment 3.

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