This begins a series of programming assignments for a step-by-step implementation of an OS simulator in Java. Since all the assignments were comprehensively designed and linked to each other, it is difficult to substantially change the questions each academic quarter. Thus contacting former CSS430 students to obtain their answers (or performing Internet searches to obtain similar historical copies) is considered plagiarism.
Please note that you must independently work on all programming assignments except the final project. The instructors maintain a record of former student's code and can compare your code with these previous program turn-ins. We do not tolerate academic dishonesty. In fact, some students have been sent to the vice chancellor's office when their plagiarism was detected.
The objectives of this assignment are:
You will also become familiar with the ThreadOS operating system simulator in part 2 of this assignment.
This section explains the behavior and the language syntax of the Unix shell.
The shell is a command interpreter that provides Unix users with an interface to the underlying operating system. It interprets user commands and executes them as independent processes. The shell also allows users to code an interpretive script using simple programming constructs such as if, while and for, etc. With shell scripting, users can create customized automation shell tasks.
The behavior of shell simply repeats:
The prompt symbols frequently used include for example:
or in the case the Linux Cloud Shell (we will be using for these initial programs) a host name followed
by a ':' symbol, and a '~' for the current project name are as follows:
[your_unetid]@cloudshell:~ (css430)$
How does the shell execute a user command? The mechanism follows the steps given below:
For instance, assume that your current working directory includes the a.out executable file and you have typed the following line input from your keyboard.
[your_unetid]@cloudshell:~ (css430)$ ./a.out a b c
This means that the shell duplicates itself, creates a new process and this
new process executes a.out that receives a, b, and c as its arguments.
The shell has some built-in commands that changes its current status rather than executing a user program. (Note that user programs are distinguished as external commands from the shell built-in commands.) For instance,
[hostname]$ cd public_html
changes the shell current working directory to
public_html. Thus, cd is one of the shell
built-in commands.
The shell can receive two or more commands at a time from a keyboard input. The symbols ';' and '&' are used as a delimiter specifying the end of each single command. If a command is delimited by ';', the shell spawns a new process to execute this command, waits for the process to be terminated, and thereafter continues to interpret the next command. If a command is delimited by '&', the shell execution continues by interpreting the next command without waiting for the completion of the current command.
[hostname]$ who & ls & date
executes who, ls, and date concurrently. Note
that, if the last command does not have an delimiter, the shell
assumes that it is implicitly delimited by ';'. In the above example,
the shell waits for the completion of date. Taking
everything in consideration, the more specific behavior of the
shell is therefore:
One of the shell's interesting features is I/O redirection:
[hostname]$ a.out < file1 > file2
redirects a.out's standard input and output to file1 and
file2 respectively, so that a.out reads from
file1 and writes to file2 as if it were reading from a
keyboard and printing out to a monitor. [hostname]$ command1 | command2 | command3
connects command1's standard output to command2's
standard input, and also connects command2's standard output to
command3's standard input. For instance,
[hostname]$ cat .profile | wc -l
first executes the cat OS command that reads the raw text contents of the .profile
hidden operating system file (files preceeded with a "dot" are hidden files in the shell). This output is not
displayed but is rather passed to wc OS command's standard input. Thereafter, the
wc command is
executed with its -l option. It reads each line of text from the .profile file and
out the # of lines of this file to the standard output.
Whenever the shell executes a new command, it spawns a child shell and lets the child execute the command. This behavior is implemented with the fork and execlp system calls. If the shell receives ";" as a command delimiter or receives no delimiter, it must wait for the termination of the spawned child, which is implemented with the wait system call. If it receives "&" as a command delimiter, it does not have to wait for the child to be terminated. If the shell receives a sequence of commands, each concatenated with "|", it must recursively create children whose number is the same as that of commands. Which child executes which command is a kind of tricky. The farthest offspring will execute the first command, the grand child will execute the 2nd last, and the child will execute the last command. Their standard input and output must be redirected accordingly using the pipe and dup2 system calls. The following diagrams describe how to execute "who | wc -l", and how to use the pipe system call.
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ThreadOS is an operating system simulator that has been designed in Java for our CSS430 course. You need a working knowledge of ThreadOS in order to work on the assignment in part 2. The basic features will be explained in the 2nd week's lecture. If you have understood the features discussed in the lecture, you may skip to Section 4, Statement of Work.
Through this series of assignments, you are to implement and/or to enhance some portions of ThreadOS. ThreadOS loads Java programs that have been derived from the Thread class, manages them as user processes, and provides them with some basic operating system services. Those services include thread spawn, thread termination, disk operations, and even standard input/output. ThreadOS receives all service requests as a form of simulated interrupt from each user thread, handles them, and returns a status value to the interrupting thread.
ThreadOS consists of several components:
Component | Java/Class | Description |
Boot | | invokes a BOOT system call to have Kernel initialize its internal data, power on Disk, start the Scheduler thread, and finally spawn the Loader thread. |
Kernel | | receives an interrupt, services it if possible, otherwise forwards its request to Scheduler or Disk, and returns a completion status. |
Disk | | simulates a slow disk device composed of 1000 blocks, each containing 512 bytes. Those blocks are divided into 10 tracks, each of which thus includes 100 blocks. The disk has three commands: read, write, and sync detailed in the assignment 3, 4, and 5. |
Scheduler |, | receives a Thread object that Kernel instantiated upon receiving an EXEC system call, allocates a new TCB(Thread Control Block) to this thread, enqueues the TCB into its ready queue, and schedules its execution in a round robin fashion. |
SysLib | | is a utility that provides user threads with a convenient style of system calls and converts them into corresponding interrupts passed to Kernel. |
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To start ThreadOS, simply type:
[hostname]$ java Boot
ThreadOS ver 2.1:
Type ? for help
threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-3,2,main] tid=0 pid=-1)
Boot initializes Kernel data, powers on Disk and
starts Scheduler. It finally launches Loader that then
carries out one of the following commands:
? | prints out its usage. |
l user_program | starts user_program as an independent user thread and waits for its termination. |
q | synchronizes disk data and terminates ThreadOS |
Note that Loader is not a shell. It simply launches and waits for the completion of a user program (which may behave as a shell). From ThreadOS' point of view, there is no distinction between Loader and the other user programs.
A user program must be a Java thread. Java threads are execution entities concurrently running in a Java application. They maintain their own stacks and program counter but share static variables in their application. At least one thread, (i.e., the main thread) is automatically instantiated when an application starts a main function. Threads other than the main thread can be dynamically created in the similar way to instantiate a new class object using new. Once their start method is called, they keep executing their own run method independently from the calling function such as main. Java threads can be defined as a subclass of the Thread class.
The following Java thread prints out a word given in args[0] repeatedly every loop number of dummy iterations. The loop is given in args[1].
If you write the following main function:
it will instantiate two PingPong threads, one printing out "PING" every 100ms for 100 iterations and the other printing out "pong" every 50ms for 100 iterations.
ThreadOS Loader actually takes care of this thread-instantiating part of main function. Once you invoke ThreadOS, Loader waits for a l command, say "l PingPong PING 100". Then, it will load the PingPong class into the memory, instantiate its object, pass a String array including PING and 100 as arguments to this thread, and wait for its termination. Note that in general Java threads can receive any type of and any number of arguments, however ThreadOS restricts its user programs to receive only a String array as their argument.
Java itself provides various classes and methods that invoke real OS system calls such as System.out.println and sleep. Since ThreadOS is an operating systems simulator, user programs running on ThreadOS are prohibited from using real OS system calls. Prohibited classes include but are not limited to:
Instead, user programs are provided with ThreadOS-unique system calls including standard I/O, disk access, and thread control. Therefore, System.out.print( word + " " ); should be replaced with one of ThreadOS-unique systems calls:
SysLib.cout( word + " " );
While Java threads can be terminated upon a simple return from their run method, ThreadOS needs an explicit system call to terminate the current user thread.
SysLib.exit( );
Thread termination is a part of thread control, thus is one of the
ThreadOS services. Since the above example of user thread
falls into an infinite loop, we need to revise it so that
this example code safely terminates the invoked thread and resumes
ThreadOS Kernel receives requests from each user thread as interrupts to it. Such an interrupt is performed by calling:
Kernel.interrupt( int interruptRequestVector,
int trapNumber,
int parameter,
Object args );
where interruptRequestVector may be
trapNumber specifies a request type of software interrupt such as
parameter is a device-specific value to control each device; and
args are arguments of each interrupt request.
Since this interrupt method is not an elegant form to a user program, ThreadOS provides a user program with its system library, called SysLib that includes several important system-call functions as shown below. (Unless otherwise mentioned, each of these functions returns 0 on success or -1 on error.)
In addition to those system calls, the system library includes several utility functions. One of them is:
These components include Scheduler and Disk. They will be explained in details as you will need to hack them in the assignments 2 - 5. What you need to know for the assignment 1 is only how to get started and finished with ThreadOS, all of which have been introduced above.
Code a C++ program, named processes.cpp that receives one argument, (i.e., argv[1]) upon its invocation and searches how many processes whose name is given in argv[1] are running on the system where your program has been invoked. To be specific, your program should demonstrate the same behavior as:
$ ps -A | grep argv[1] | wc -l
Implement processes using the following system calls:
For more details, type the man command from the shell prompt line. Use only the system calls listed above. Do not use the system system call. Imitate how the shell performs "ps -A | grep argv[1] | wc -l". In other words, your parent process spawns a child that spawns a grand-child that spawns a great-grand-child. Each process should execute a different command as follows:
Process | Command | Stdin | Stdout |
Parent | wait for a child | no change | no change |
Child | wc -l | redirected from a grand-child's stdout | no change |
Grand-child | grep argv[1] | redirected from a great-grand-child's stdout | redirected to a child's stdin |
Great-grand-child | ps -A | no change | redirected to a grand-child's stdin |
Code, a Java thread that will be invoked from ThreadOS Loader and behave as a shell command interpreter.
(Note: if run from a flat file organization, otherwise use the IDE project run command from
$ java Boot
threadOS ver 2.1:
BOOT 0: Starting Operating System
BOOT 1: Scheduler Started
BOOT 2: Disk Subsystem Initialized and Started
BOOT 3: Cache Memory Simulation Instantiated
BOOT 4: Synchronized Queues Instantiated
BOOT 5: File System Instantiated
Type ? for help
threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-3,2,main] tid=0 pid=-1)
-->l Shell
threadOS: a new thread (thread=Thread[Thread-6,2,main] tid=1 pid=0)
shell[1]% TestProg1 & TestProg2 &
... A concurrent execution of TestProg1 and TestProg2
shell[2]% TestProg1 ; TestProg2
... A sequential execution of TestProg1 and TestProg2
shell[3]% exit
threadOS: DISK synchronized
Once your is invoked, it should print out a command prompt:
When a user types multiple commands, each delimited by '&' or ';',
your executes each of them as an independent child thread
with a SysLib.exec( ) system call. Note that the symbol '&' means a
concurrent execution, while the symbol ';' means a sequential
execution. Thus, when encountering a delimiter ';', your
needs to call SysLib.join( ) system call(s) in order to wait for
this child thread to be terminated. Since SysLib.join( ) may
return the ID of any child thread that has been previously terminated,
you have to repeat calling SysLib.join( ) until it returns the exact
ID of the child thread that you wants to wait for.
You do not need to implement standard I/O redirection or pipes. You do not need to provide shell variables and programming constructs, either. Only the required functionality of your is handling an arbitrary number of commands in a line. You may assume that commands, arguments, and even delimiters are separated by arbitrary amounts of spaces or tabs.
To test your, use that is found in the same directory as ThreadOS.
Your stress test should be to run both sequential and concurrent execution of as follows:
Shell[1]% PingPong abc 10000 & PingPong xyz 10000 & PingPong 123 10000
Shell[2]% PingPong abc 10000 ; PingPong xyz 1000 ; PingPong 123 10000
Your normal test cases should be as follows:
Shell[1]% PingPong abc 100 ; PingPong xyz 50 ; PingPong 123 25
Shell[2]% PingPong abc 25 ; PingPong xyz 100 & PingPong 123 100
Shell[3]% PingPong abc 50 & PingPong xyz 50 ; PingPong 123 25
Shell[4]% PingPong abc 1000 & PingPong xyz 1000 & PingPong 123 1000
The location of source code can be found in the following two repositories:
Using git commands to sync these repositories after you have cloned them for the first time each. Create your own git repositorites for your work, but copy these files over into your repository structure for your own development sandbox.
Hints: The professor has provided both starter sample code and a unit test framework for the Java programs using Maven. Maven is a great way to build very robust code through Test Driven Design (TDD) methodology.
Your processes.cpp source code
An output when running your program vs. the actual system calls:
$ processes node
$ ps -A | grep node | wc -l
$ processes sshd
$ ps -A | grep sshd | wc -l
$ processes java
$ ps -A | grep java | wc -l
An outputs when testing your with for the test cases above.
Additionally, you may want to zip up your Shell_unit_test to demonstrate the
robustness of your test cases if you used the TDD methods to develop your
gradeguide1.txt is the grade guide for the Program 1 assignment.