Computing & Software Systems
CSS430: Operating Systems
Summer 2016 Syllabus
TuTh 1:00 PM-3:30 PM Classroom UW1-031
This course introduces the logical design of operating systems, especially focusing on the design in Java. Topics covered include processes, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks, memory management, virtual memory, file systems, I/O systems, protection, and security used in the popular desktop and real-time operating systems.
Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) will be used for notices, discussions, assignment, submissions and individual grade logs. Please visit the Canvas Site to access your Canvas page for this class.
Note that this is a tentative ordering of OS topics. Chapters will take approximately the allotted time during the quarter.
Summer quarter is about 2 weeks shorter than the normal 11 weeks of autumn/winter/spring quarters. We're going to try to adjust the schedule by putting pre-recorded lectures about the 'File System' topic online by the end of the first week, by requiring all students to have viewed the three online videos no later than Thursday, July 16, and by assigning the final project in parallel with Programs 2 and 3 but over a longer period of time.
It is extremely important that you both (1) independently and studiously on this topic and (2) seek help from the instructor as soon as you find yourself getting stuck. While some class time will be dedicated to discussing this topic the majority of the topic will be covered by you independently, on your own.
WARNING: Program #3 is going to be
re-written from scratch this quarter.
Make absolutely sure that
you're using this quarter's version of Program #3
Week | Date | Lecture # | Topics | Chapters | Reading | Assignment |
1 | Jun-21 | 1 | Introduction In-class Linux IDE orientation |
1 | pp. 3-47 | Program 1 assigned |
Jun-23 | 2 | OS Structures | 2 | pp. 49-100 | ||
The due date for hte 'File System Interface' video was moved to the next class | ||||||
2 | Jun-28 | 3 | Processes | 3 | pp. 103-152 | |
File-System Interface File-System Implementation |
10 11 |
pp. 461-500 pp. 501-549 |
These online lectures must be watched by 1pm on this day | |||
Jul-30 | 4 | Processes | 3 | pp. 103-152 |
Final Project:
Planning Phase assigned |
Final Project Explanation | 10 / 11 | pp. 635-715 | This online lecture must be watched by 1pm on this day | |||
3 | Jul-5 | 5 | Threads | 4 | pp. 153-192 |
Program 1 due Program 2 assigned |
Jul-7 | 6 | CPU Scheduling | 5 | pp. 193-239 | ||
4 | Jul-12 | 7 | CPU Scheduling | 5 | pp. 193-239 |
Final Project: Planning Phase Due Final Project: Initial Work Phase assigned |
Jul-14 | 8 | Process Synchronization | 6 | pp. 241-312 | ||
5 | Jul-19 | 9 | Process Synchronization | 6 | pp. 241-312 |
Program 2 due Program 3 assigned |
Jul-21 | 10 | Midterm exam in class | [ 1 - 6 ] | |||
6 | Jul-26 | 11 | Deadlocks | 7 | pp. 313-347 |
Final Project: Initial Work Phase Due Final Project: Project Completion assigned |
Jul-28 | 12 | Main Memory | 8 | pp. 351-391 | ||
7 | Aug-2 | 13 | Main Memory | 8 | pp. 351-391 | |
Aug-4 | 14 | Virtual Memory | 9 | pp. 393-457 | Program 3 due Program 4 assigned |
8 | Aug-9 | 15 | Virtual Memory | 9 | pp. 393-457 | |
Aug-11 | 16 | Protection | 14 | pp. 635-715 | Final Project (Complete) due | |
9 | Aug-16 | 17 | Security | 15 | pp. 635-715 | |
Aug-18 | 18 | Final exam in class |
[ 7-11, 14/15 ] |
pp. 635-715 | Program 4 due |
Coursework | Percentage | Points |
Assignment 1 | 8% | 80 |
Assignment 2 | 8% | 80 |
Assignment 3 | 8% | 80 |
Assignment 4 | 8% | 80 |
Midterm Exam | 25% | 250 |
Final Exam | 25% | 250 |
In-Class Activities | 3% | 30 |
Outlines of the videos for the final project | 1% | 10 |
Final Project | 14% | 140 |
TOTAL | 100% | 1000 |
All grades will be listed as percentages in the Canvas LMS. The conversion table below will help you determine your final grade. For example, if you earn 950 points (or 95%) you will get a 4.0. If you earn 750 points (or 75%) you will earn a 2.0.
A - 100%-90% | B - 89%-80% | C - 79%-70% | D - 69%-62% | E - 61%-below |
100%–95% = 4.0 |
89% = 3.4 |
79% = 2.4 |
69% = 1.4 |
= .6 (Failing) |
Total of 1000 points available
All programs except the final project are to be done independently. Any collaboration of work will result in severe penalty. You may discuss the problem statement and any clarification with each other, but any actual work to be turned in, must be done without collaboration.
The final project may be done by a team of two (or three students if you cannot find a single partner). Each student must contribute an equal amount of work. (You can only work in a group of 3 if first obtain permission from the instructor, otherwise each student will receive only 2/3 of the full score.) For the detailed instructions, see the project description in Canvas.
Any homework is due at the beginning of class on its due date. Please submit homework and programs via the Canvas LMS assignment upload facilities. Submissions may be postponed only in exceptional events such as accidents, sickness, sudden business trips, and family emergencies. You may turn in your homework late by coordinating with me (which may require written proof). No make-up exams will be given except under exceptional circumstances. Barring emergencies, I must be informed before the exam if you plan to be absent.
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disability Resources for Students (DRS) UW1-175, (email:, TDD: 425-352-5303, and FAX: 425-352-3581). If you have a documented disability on file with the DSS office, please have your DRS counselor contact me and we can discuss accommodations.
The overall goal of CSS 430 is to learn fundamemtal concepts that are used in and applicable to a variety of operating systems. The course consists of three major concepts: (1) process management that schedules, executes, synchronizes with events, and terminates your application programs, (2) memory management that loads your programs in memory and allocates/deallocates memory space they requested dynamically, and (3) file system that provides the mechanism for on-line storage of and access to both data and programs residing on the disks. The course also covers protection, (and security if time allows) which are essential to have modern operating systems work in the Internet computing world. Through the course, we will use Java to illustrate many operating-system concepts. Using Java, you will implement each concept of process management, memory management, and file system. As with most technical courses, besides ability and motivation, it takes time to learn and master the subject. Expect to spend an additional 10 to 15 hours a week outside of class time on the average.