Computing & Software Systems 430:
Operating Systems
Winter 2015
(This is a working document and will be updated throughout the quarter)
This course introduces the logical design of operating systems, especially focusing on the design in Java. Topics covered include processes, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks, memory management, virtual memory, file systems, I/O systems, protection, and security used in the popular desktop and
Instructor: Bob Dimpsey,
Office Hours: MW 2:30 – 3:30 Commons
Course Website:
Canvas will be utilized for most course communication
Lectures: MW 3:30 – 5:30pm, UW2 141
Grader: Jay Vyas,
Office Hours: TBD
Book Utilized in Class
It is also recommended that you obtain a good Java book.
Recommended Java Books
Video Option
Optional References
This course is not graded on a curve. That is, there is not a
Also, it is not possible to
Grades consist of three major components in the percentage defined by the table below and will be determined as objectively as possible. Coding guidelines are an important part of the objective grading of programming assignments. There will not be a subjective component based on class participation.
Results of exams, homework and programming assignments are averaged together corresponding to the ratios below. They are then grouped and mapped to traditional to 'A', 'B', 'C', etc. for the quarter. Decimal grades are then computed using the equivalences in the time schedule, linearly interpolating between
There will be two exams in the quarter, a
At any time I will be happy to consult with you on how you are doing in the class relative to grade ranges.
Course Work |
Percentage of Grade |
Exams: Midterm, Final |
55% |
Homework Assignments |
10% |
Programming Assignments |
35% |
Total |
100% |
Homework Submissions
Any homework is due at the beginning of class on its due date. Only a soft copy must be submitted. The submission may be postponed only in emergencies such as accidents, sickness, sudden business trips, and family emergencies, in which case you may turn in your homework late with a written proof.
Programming Assignment Submissions
We will use Canvas to track grades, electronically submit projects and for general communication and announcements.
Class Attendance
Class attendance is not mandatory and there is not a grade based upon attendance or participation. However, I strongly encourage you to come to class as there is generally a direct correlation between attendance and performance (aka, grade). Also, exams will be given during class. Finally, you will be held responsible for all material covered in class, regardless of its presence (or lack thereof) in the textbook or Web Site.
Special needs
If you require academic accommodations, please contact Disability Support Services at (425)
Tentative Class Schedule
The following is a tentative list of subjects, assignments, and tests that we will cover through the quarter. This will undoubtedly change as we make our way and adjust through the quarter.
Date |
Topics / |
Reading |
Assignment |
(there will also be non- |
turn in homework |
assigned throughout the |
quarter) |
1/5 |
Introduction |
Ch 1, pp. 3 - 47 |
1/7 |
OS Structures |
Ch 2, pp. 49 - 100 |
Program 1 assigned |
1/12 |
Processes I |
Ch 3, pp. 102 – 152 |
1/14 |
Processes II |
1/19 |
MLK Day – No Class |
1/21 |
Threads |
Ch 4, pp. 153 – 192 |
Program 2 assigned |
1/26 |
CPU Scheduling I |
Ch 5, pp. 193 - 239 |
1/28 |
CPU Scheduling II |
2/2 |
Process Synchronization I |
Ch 6, pp. 241 – 312 |
2/4 |
Process Syncrhonization II |
Program 3 assigned |
2/9 |
Deadlocks |
Ch 7, pp. 313 – 347 |
2/11 |
Midterm Exam |
2/16 |
President’s Day – No Class |
2/18 |
Main Memory I |
Ch 8, pp. 351 – 391 |
Program 4 assigned |
2/23 |
Main Memory II |
2/25 |
Virtual Memory I |
Ch 9, pp. 393 – 457 |
3/2 |
Virtual Memory II |
3/4 |
File System Interface |
Ch 10, pp. 461 – 500 |
Final Project Assigned |
3/9 |
File System Implementation |
Ch 11, pp. 501 – 549 |
3/11 |
Distributed Systems |
Ch 15, pp. 717 – 755 |
3/18 |
Final Exam |
Final Project Due |