CSS 432
Program 2: Sliding Window
Instructor: Joe McCarthy
Due date: See the Syllabus
1. Purpose
In this assignment you will implement the stop-and-wait and
sliding window algorithms and evaluate their performance
in transferring 20,000 packets over 100Mbps and 1Gbps networks.
2. UDP
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
is a connectionless, unreliable transport layer
(OSI layer 4) protocol which does not prevent loss or or re-ordering of messages.
Since it is not our primary intent to explore the UDP protocol in this assignment,
it is recommended that use the UdpSocket class which you can find in
~css432/hw2. Also, you may want to use the Timer class in the same
directory for your implementation and performance evaluation.
UdpSocket Class
Methods |
Descriptions |
UdpSocket( int port ) |
A default constructor that opens a UDP
datagram socket with a given port.
Use the last five digits of your
student ID as the port number.
~UdpSocket() |
A default destructor that closes the UDP
datagram socket it has maintained.
bool setDestAddress( char ipName[] ) |
Set the destination IP address
corresponding to a given server ipName (e.g., "uw1-320-16").
This method must be called
before sending the first UDP message to the server.
int pollRecvFrom() |
Check if this socket has data to read. The
method returns the number of bytes to read or 0 if no messages have
arrived. In general, a program is blocked to receive data
(e.g., using recvFrom()) if there are
no data to receive. Call this method if you need to prevent your
program from being blocked when receiving data.
int recvFrom( char msg[], int length ) |
Receive data into msg[] of size length.
This method can be used both to receive a message
from a client as well as an acknowledgment from a server.
As an example, if you wish to receive a single char variable,
say c, your call should be
recvFrom( &c, sizeof( c ) ).
int sendTo( char msg[], int length ) |
Send msg[] of size length size
from a client to a server (whose address must have been previously set
by setDestAddress()). As an example,
if you wish to send a single char
variable, say c, your call should be
sendTo( &c, sizeof( c ) ). |
ackTo( char msg[], int length ) |
Send an acknowledgment from a server to a
client. Prior to calling this method, a server must receive at least
one message from a client, (i.e, have called recvFrom()
at least one time).
Timer Class
Methods |
Descriptions |
Timer() |
A default constructor that
zero-initializes its internal tv_sec and tv_usec
start() |
calls gettimeofday() to get the current date
information and saves it in tv_sec and tv_usec.
long lap() |
calls gettimeofday() to get
the current date information and returns the time elapsed since
its start() method was last called.
long lap( long oldTv_sec, long oldTv_usec
) |
calls gettimeofday() to get
the current date information and returns the time elapsed since
the time specified by oldTv_sec and oldTv_usec.
long getSec() |
Retrieve the internal tv_sec variable value, which was
set by the last start() method call.
long getUsec() |
Retrieve the internal tv_usec variable value, which was
set by the last start() method call.
3. HW2 Test Program
Copy ~css432/hw2/hw2.cpp to your directory. This program
instantiates sock, (i.e., a UdpSocket object), allocates a
1460-byte message[], and evaluates the performance of UDP
point-to-point communication using three different test cases:
- Case 1: Unreliable test simply sends 20,000 UDP packets
from a client to a server. The actual implementation can be found
- void clientUnreliable( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[] ): sends message[] to a given server
using the sock object max (=20,000) times .
- void serverUnreliable( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[] ): receives message[] from a client using the sock object
max (=20,000) times. However it does not send back any
acknowledgment to the client.
This test may hang the server due to some UDP packets being sent
by the client but never received by the server.
- Case 2: Stop-and-wait test implements the stop-and-wait
algorithm, i.e., a client writes a message sequence number in
message[0], sends message[]
and waits until it receives an integer acknowledgment
of that sequence number from a server,
while the server receives message[],
copies the sequence number from message[0] to an acknowledgment message, and
returns it to the client. You are to implement this algorithm in the
following two functions:
- int clientStopWait( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[] ): sends message[] and receives an
acknowledgment from the server max (=20,000) times using the sock
object. If the client cannot receive an acknowledgment immediately, it
should start a Timer. If a timeout occurs (i.e., no response after 1500 usec), the
client must resend the same message. The function must count the
number of messages retransmitted and return it to the main function as
its return value.
- void serverReliable( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[] ): repeats receiving message[] and sending an
acknowledgment at a server side max (=20,000) times using the sock
This test may not reach the peak performance supported by the underlying network.
This is because the client must wait for an acknowledgment every
time it sends out a new message.
- Case 3: Sliding window implements the sliding window algorithm,
using the first element in the message[] for s
storing sequence numbers and acknowledgement numbers.
- A client keeps writing a message sequence number in message[0]
and sending message[] as long as the number of in-transit messages is
less than a given windowSize
- The server receives message[],
saves the message's sequence number (stored in message[0])
in a local buffer array and returns a cumulative acknowledgement,
i.e., the minimum sequence number of messages it has not
yet received (the SeqNumToAck as described in the textbook).
You are to implement this algorithm in the following two functions:
- int clientSlidingWindow( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[], int windowSize ): sends message[] and
receiving an acknowledgment from a server max (=20,000) times using
the sock object. As described above, the client can continuously send
a new message[] and incrementing the sequence number as long as the
number of in-transit messages (i.e., # of unacknowledged messages) is
less than windowSize. That number should be decremented every time the
client receives an acknowledgment. If the number of unacknowledged messages
reaches windowSize, the client should start a Timer.
If a timeout occurs (i.e., no response after 1500 usec),
it must resend the message with the minimum sequence number
among those which have not yet been acknowledged.
The function must count the number of messages (not bytes) retransmitted and return it
to the main function as its return value.
- void serverEarlyRetrans( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[], int windowSize ) receives message[] and
sends an acknowledgment to the client max (=20,000) times using
the sock object. Every time the server receives a new message[], it
must save the message's sequence number in its array and return
a cumulative acknowledgment (as described above).
[NOTE: the windowSize in this assignment refers to the number of messages,
not the number of bytes].
This test may get close to the peak performance supported by the underlying network.
This is because the client can send in a pipelined fashion as many
messages as the server can receive.
4. Statement of Work
Copy the following files from ~css432/hw2 to your directory:
- hw2.cpp
- UdpSocket.h
- UdpSocket.cpp
- Timer.h
- Timer.cpp
- udp.plt
Complete implementations of the following four functions that have been
outlined above in a separate file, udp.cpp:
- int clientStopWait( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[] )
- void serverReliable( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[] )
- int clientSlidingWindow( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[], int windowSize )
- void serverEarlyRetrans( UdpSocket &sock, const int max, int
message[], int windowSize )
Some functions might not use all arguments passed to them.
Change the definition of PORT in hw2.cpp to the
last five digits of your student ID, and thereafter compile them with
g++ as follows:
$ g++ UdpSocket.cpp Timer.cpp udp.cpp hw2.cpp -o hw2
If a compilation succcessfully completes, you will get an executable
named hw2. Run this executable on both a client and a server machine.
The program will display the following messages to the standard error:
Client side example:
$ ./hw2 uw1-320-10 > data
Server side example:
$ ./hw2
Choose a testcase
1: unreliable test
2: stop-and-wait test
3: sliding window
Type 1, 2, or 3 to evaluate the performance of one of the three different
test cases respectively. The main function in hw2.cpp will
redirect the output showing the performance results in the data file. Use
cerr to print out any debugging information or message
sequence numbers. Don't use cout, otherwise your debugging and
message sequence information will be mixed up with performance results
in the data file. If you wish to store cerr information
in a separate file, e.g., data1 or data2 (one for the client,
one for the server), you should type:
Client side example:
$ ./hw2 uw1-320-10 2> data1
Server side example:
$ ./hw2 2> data2
For test case #1, all you have to do is simply repeat running the
program several times and observe if it hangs due to the
drop-off of some UDP messages, and the discrepancy between the
iteration number and the sequence number of the message received by the server.
For test case #2, run your program over 100Mbps and 1Gbps networks
respectively and obtains an elapsed time for each network.
When running on the 100Mbps network, substitute 100mbps.dat
for data in the example shown above;
when running on the 1Gbps network, substitute 1gbps.dat
for data in the example shown above.
For test case #3, conduct performance evaluations over 100Mbps and
1Gbps networks respectively for window sizes 1 thru 30. Store their
performance results in 100mbps_sw.dat and 1gbps_sw.dat.
To view those results with gnuplot, you need to edit the udp.plt
file. Replace XXXX and YYYY with the elapsed times for your 100Mbps and 1Gbps
network performance tests for test case #2.
plot "100mbps_sw.dat" title "100mbps sliding window" with linespoints,
"1gbps_sw.dat" title "1gbps sliding window" with linespoints,
XXXX title "100mbs stopNwait" with line, YYYY title "1gbps stopNwait" with line
To view all results using gnuplot, type:
$ gnuplot udp.plt
$ ps2pdf udp.ps
$ evince udp.pdf
5. What to Turn in
The homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date via Catalyst.
Criteria |
Points (pct) |
Documentation, including explanations and
illustrations in details, of
- a stop-and-wait implementation
- a sliding window implementation
3 pts (15%) |
Source code that adheres good
modularization, coding style, and an appropriate amount of
comments. The source code is graded in terms of
- clientStopAndWait()'s message send and ack receive
- clientStopAndWait()'s timeout and message re-transmit
- serverReliable()'s message receive and ack send
- clientSlidingWindow()'s message transfer and ack receive
- clientSlidingWindow()'s timeout and duplicated message re-transmit
- serverEarlyRetrans()'s cumulative acknowledgment,
- appropriate comments
7 pts (35%) |
Execution output showing your client code running test cases 2 and 3.
You can use the script program suggested for
the first programming assignment to create the output file,
1 pts (5%) |
Performance evaluation that includes the plot of values
(udp.pdf). The correctness is evaluated in terms of
- stop-and-wait performance over 100Mbps
- stop-and-wait performance over 1Gbps
- sliding window performance over 100Mbps
- sliding window performance over 1Gbps
4 pts (20%) |
Discussion of the difference between
100Mbps and 1Gbps performance results in both algorithms, including
differences in the number of messages retransmitted
between stop-and-wait and sliding window algorithms.
- stop-and-wait algorithm
- sliding window algorithm
5 pts (25%) |
Total |
20 pts (100%) |
6. FAQ
This FAQ page may answer your questions.
Click here
7. Acknowledgment
This assignment is closely modeled on an assignment earlier specified
by Professor Fukuda.