CSS 432
FAQ on Program 4: Domain Name Service
Q1: getpeername( )
The compiler objects to me using a sockaddr_in as the first argument.
It seems to be expecting a sockaddr instead. However, when I use
sockaddr, it doesn't have sin_addr and sin_port as data members.
Is there another arglist or variation on getpeername that I should be using?
A: If you type "man getpeername" from a Linux command line, you'll
get the following manual message:
GETPEERNAME(2) Linux Programmered peer socket
int getpeername(int s, struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t *namelen);
getpeername() returns the name of the peer connected to socket s. The namelen
parameter should be initialized to indicate the amount of space pointed to by
name. On return it contains the actual size of the name returned (in bytes).
The name is truncated if the buffer provided is too small.
From this message, you could write code as follows:
struct sockaddr_in clientAddr;
socklen_t addrLen = sizeof( clientAddr );
getpeername( socket, (sockaddr *)&clientAddr, &addrLen) );
Q2: How can I verify that my spoofcheck.cpp can detect an actual spoof?
A. Unfortunately, you can verify only correct (i.e., non-spoofing)
client connections with your spoofcheck.cpp.
This is because we are not authorized to hack and change TCP packets.
getpeername( ) scrutinises a packet received from a client who may be
lying and putting a false source address. On the other hand
gethostbyaddr( ) is returned from DNS, given an address from a
client. If a client put a false address, DNS will return NULL.
In our case, unless we design a malicious client program that changes
its TCP packet, we can't verify the spoofing check. So, our test only
verifies honest clients' information.
Q3: Documentation of your spoofcheck.cpp in one page.
In the Program 4 description page, one of items in the "What to Turn
in" section says:
Documentation of your spoofcheck.cpp in one page.
Does this mean all of our code should fit in one page or you only want
the first page of our code?
A: If you look at the former assignments' "What to Turn in"
section, you could imagine that "Documentation" is your description
that summarizes your spoofcheck.cpp algorithm.
Your source code will be graded in accordance to the "Source Code" section.