
CSS 443 -  Advanced Programming Methodologies
Kelvin Sung (ksung@u.washington.edu)
Spring 2003


CSS443        Computing and Software Systems        UW Bothell   

Welcome to our home page. Here, you will find:

  • The syllabus for the course.
  • Here are your standing in this class at this point. You are identified by the last 4 numbers of your student number. Please let me know if there are any mistakes.
  • Here is a link to home page of CSS 443 from Winter 2003 . Remember to cite this source, if you decide to use any source code from this page.
  • Warning: If you cheat or copy or use someone else's work without proper references, here is the memo, you will receive from me. I did not have to write this memo for more than a year now. Let's work together to continue this culture! In general, cheat/copy/use someone else's work with proper references will earn you a zero credit for the assignment, but at least you will not receive this memo.

Machine problems (mps) and simple demos of mps.

Assigning Date

Programming Assignments

Due Time
!!!! NO LATE ASSIGNMENT will be accepated !!!!

May 12, 2003

Programming Assignment 3: on 2D QuadTree search structure.


Here is the link to a sample mp3 solution. Please download this file and unzip to run (for the texture and sound files)

Here is the source code framework that should help you get started with this mp.

Source Code: May 28 at 2:30pm.

Design Doc: May 28 at 3:40pm.

April 9, 2003

Programming Assignment 2: on thread based garbage collection.

Here is the link to a sample mp2 solution. Once again, having identical results to my solution
do not guarantee bug-free program!! Thanks to Mark Pottorf for finding this bug, the posted solution goes into a dead-lock situation when you do a “gc” followed quickly with a “delete”. Here is a new solution that does not have the problem. (Lame excuse, I knew about this deadlock problem and thought I have fixed it!! Well, no excuse, I goofed. And Thanks Mark for finding this problem).

Here is the source code framework that should help you get started with this mp.

Here are some examples on Thread Programming with Win32. We will go through these for the week or so.


TAIL: here is the tail program where you can do: “tail –f file.output” to monitor the output of a file. For tail to run correctly, you must download these two dlls (first and second), you can either install these dll’s in your search path, or put all three files (tail.exe and the two dlls in the same folder as the one you want to run tail from).

Here is an example input and output from running my solution. TestScriptWithComment contains the input, and explains what you should be looking for when issuing the commands. Timing is quite important here, I suggest, after the initial insertion of the 5 integers, you issue a command every 0.5 seconds or so. My output is in MySampleOutput and the thread output files contain output from the threads.


Here is the source code to my mp2 solution.


Here are the results of me running your submissions. Each of your run is recorded in a directory with your name..

Source Code: Apr 23 at 2:30pm (With 5% Extra Credit)


April 28 at 2:30pm with no extra credit.


Design Doc: Apr 23 at 3:40pm (With 5% Extra Credit)


April 28 at 3:40pm with no extra credit.

March 31, 2003

Programming Assignment 1: - on link list, memory management and garbage collection. Here is the link to my mp1 implementation. Here are an example input data file and an example results from my implementation for your reference. Having identical results to the ExampleResults do not guarantee bug-free program!!

Here is the source code framework where you can based your implementation. Remember to not change any existing public methods of the classes.

Here are some sample design documentations from the pass.


Here is a program that can generate large input data set for mp1. Here is the source to the program. Download this program, re-direct output to a file and use this file as input to your mp1. If you do not understand what I am saying here, please ask in class!!


Here is a version of my solution that supports 1 million data point. Notice, because of my lack of free memory list, when I run out of memory, the performance really suffers.


Here is the source code to my mp1 solution.


Here are the results of me running your submissions. There are 4 test cases, T1 and T2 test for correctness, while T3 and T4 test for efficiency. In all cases, test script is in TestCase output from my solution is in MySampleOutput. You should be able to identify your output from the file names.

Source Code: Apr 9 at 2:30pm

Design Doc: Apr 9 at 3:40pm  




Homework assignments

Assigning Date

Homework Assignments

Due Time
!!!! NO LATE ASSIGNMENT will be accepated !!!!



Here are some problems from pass final exams.



May 28, 2003


Homework 2: on Search Structure and Algorithms.


June 4, 2003 at 3:40pm

Winter 2003

Mid Term Exam

Here is the midterm exam from Winter 2003.


Here is the source to Question 1, and Question 2. These are source, you need to download, unjar (jar –xf), compile and then run.


Winter 2002

Mid Term Exam


Here is Mid-Term exam from Winter 2002.



April 28, 2003

Homework 1: on Mathematical tools, threads, and algorithm analysis.


Here are the sorting programs and source: merge(exe and source), insert(exe and source).


Here is a program that can generate large any input for the sorting programs. Here is the source of random input.


Here is the source to the program of Question2 (on threads).

May 5, 2003 at 3:40pm





Next one will come about a week before final exam





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Last updated: March 2003 KS