Link-List Based Queue
Machine Problem #1


William Kallander
05 April 2001


The purpose of this program is to review the Queue and Linked-List data structures, as well as Input/Output in Java.  In addition, a mechanism for custom memory management in java is introduced that avoids the dreaded garbage collection performance problem.

Class Descriptions:


This is a fixed-length consecutive memory location to house the data needed in the nodes of a LinkedList.


A class to emulate system memory (similar to computer RAM).  An internal static array is used to simulate a global pool of memory, and another field of this class maintains the chunk size for the memory as specified by the user.


Manages memory by free-ing or allocating memory.


A Doubly-LinkedList data structure implementation using custom memory management.  This allows traversal in both directions (via next and previous fields in the ListNode class).  This class depends heavily on the ListNode class.


This is an interface for our queue.  This abstraction allows the substitution of another queue painlessly.  Since this is an interface, it only contains method definitions.

The following are therefore described in the interface implementation class LookupQueue.


This is an implementation for the IQueue interface.  It defines the exact behaviour of the IQueue methods.  As an example, this class implementation defines the behaviour of the IQueue to be First-In-First-Out , and dependant upon the custom memory model as described above.  In particular, the LookupQueue simply translates methods calls into their appropriate DoubleLinkList counterpart and executes these method calls against an internally stored DoubleLinkList.


This class provides the command-line user interface and drives the program based on user inputs.


Queue Implementation:

  1. public LookupQueue();  // Constructor

    // create a new DoubleLinkList and store a
        // reference to it internally in this class
        m_list <-- new DoubleLinkList


  2. public void enqueue( int element );

    enqueue( element )
        // Pass the parameter to the insertLast() method
        // of the
    DoubleLinkList class
        call DoubleLinkList's insertLast( element )
        // This places the element at the end of the
        // linked-list data structure

  3. public int dequeue();

        // Invoke the removeFirst() method of the
        // DoubleLinkList class.
        // This removes the element at the front position
        // of the linked list data structure
        pointer <-- call DoubleLinkList's removeFirst()
        // Return it's memory address
        return pointer

  4. public int dequeue( int id );

    dequeue( id )
        // Invoke the remove() method of the DoubleLinkList class.
        // This removes the element with the specified key from
        // any position of the linked list data structure
        pointer <-- call DoubleLinkList's remove( id )
        // Return it's memory address
        return pointer


  5. public void print();

        // Invoke the print() method of the DoubleLinkList class.
        // This traverses the entire linked list data structure
        // and prints the data element found to standard output.
        pointer <-- call DoubleLinkList's print()
        // Return it's memory address
        return pointer