Working with Java and JOGL

  1. Compiler and IDE: downloads from: We use NetBeans (6.5) as our IDE. Download and install accordingly.
  2. Java OGL (JOGL): OpenGL Pack, an extention to NetBeans Download and unzip (remember the folder).
  3. Install JOGL Pack in NetBeans: Start NetBeans, under: Tools -> Plugins Verify JOGL pack is installed under the Installed tab.
  4. Create JOGL Library: in NetBeans, under: Tools -> Libraries, with Class Libraries selected, click "New Library": We need to configure the newly created JOGL library. On the left of the Library Manager window under Class Library, you should be able to find JOGL (you just created), to configure this library, we will need to find the corresponding plug-in files. By default, these files are located under:
        C:\Documents and Settings\ksung\.netbeans\6.5\jogl-runtime
    (or your machine equivalent): We need to create one more library ...
  5. Create GLUGEN-RT Library: in NetBeans, under: Tools -> Libraries, with Class Libraries selected, click "New Library": We need to configure the newly created GLUGEN-RT library. As previously, on the left of the Library Manager window under Class Library, you should be able to find GLUGEN-RT(you just created), to configure this library, we will need to find the corresponding plug-in files. By default, these files are located under:
        C:\Documents and Settings\ksung\.netbeans\6.5\gluegen-runtime
    (or your machine equivalent):  
  6. Run-Time DLL: To support run-time DLL loading, copy the following files in the unzip JOGL pack folder to C:\WINDOWS\system32
We are ready to compile and run JOGL projects!