The Force Feedback Direct Input Library (DIL)


In Spring 2001, Bryan Warren, and later in Spring 2003, Alex Koch, designed and developed the DirectInput Library (DIL), this is a simple Application Programming Interface (API) based on the DirectX9 Direct Input library.


·         Here is the documentation on the functionality and how to use the DIL.


·         Here is the zip file with DIL source code and a sample program showing you how to use this library.


In CSS450, you can score up to 30pts of extra credit if you use DIL to interface to a force feedback joystick in all of your programming assignments.


Words of warning: Although currently the DIL is version 2.0, this is developed by your fellow students. Whatever testing we have done, it is not sufficient. I do not believe/expect any serious bugs or configuration problems. But then this is no commercial API.


If you have trouble compiling/linking this or any DX programs, hints from this page may help.