
CSS 451 – 3D Computer Graphics

Tuesday/Thursday 5:45pm – 7:50pm
            Room: UW1-020

Kelvin Sung (ksung@u.washington.edu)


CSS451        Computing and Software Systems        UW Bothell   


Important Links:

·  GoPost Discussion (questions/comments etc.)

·  Textbook Tutorials & more



·  MFC & DirectX

·  Resources from fellow 450 students

·  XNA: Developing MPs on the XBOX 360 console.

·  Nate Robin’s tutors (in OpenGL)

·  Additional Examples


UWB Resources:

·  Quantitative Skills Center (QSC)

·  Writing Center





Here are the final projects from Winter 2009.



·   Syllabus
scores for this class at this point.
Permission for showing your work (If you don’t mind me showing your work, then
PLEASE fill this out!!

·   Here is our MP submission area.

Programming Assignments: (Help on MFC and on D3D)

Libraries: You should use this D3D/MFC Library or this XNA/UWB_GUI Library (Be warned! The XNA libraries are very new and hardly tested … Anyone for extra credits?) for all of your mp implementations.

·   MP1: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt.

·   Final Project: Here is the Spec.

·   MP2: Here is the spec. Here is my attempt.

·   MP3: Here is the Spec. My attempt is referenced in the spec.

·   MP4: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt.


Other Resoruces: (remember to cite your sources!)

·  WinMerge

·  Meshes: blender, 3DCafe, DeleD, INRIA Gamma project, Milkshape 3D: 30 day free trial.  Here is a Sphere with texture coordinate and image of earth and moon that can go with this sphere.

·  Physics Engines: bullet physics library, Open Dynamics Engine (ODE, here is a guide from fellow 451 student on ODE), tokamak.

·  Real-Time Rendering Textbook site: Tons of graphics/games references.

·  A Talk on optimization: for your interests (must run from IE).

·  Source version support

§ Client: TortioseCVS. Here is an example of TortioseCVS setup.

§ Free site: assembla

CSS450 Home  |   Kelvin Sung  |   CMMR Home  |   CSS Home  |   UW Bothell  |   UW Seattle

nsf4cThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0442420. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nation Science Foundation.





mslogo-2The refinement of this course material is supported by a grant from Microsoft Research under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871.


18115 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246

(425) 352-5000
(425) 352-5303 (TDD)


University of Washington, Bothell
Copyright ©2009, UWB. All rights reserved.
Comments to Kelvin Sung:
Information about UWB: uwbothel@u.washington.edu