CSS 451 Final Project Results
Jason Jones

Problem (Goal)

Port the raytracer we use in CSS 451 to Java


My goal was to take the final version of the C# raytracer provided in class and port it to Java.  The sequence of construction was not very much like the progression of projects from Mp1 to Mp4.  Instead I tried to get all of the objects working together and then fill out the details later.  The Java port renders much of the scenes that the original C# version renders, but does not include a full implementation of shadows, reflections, transparency, and texture mapping, although the main constructs are in place to support these features.

Sample Images

This is a simple scene used for testing

This is just a plane but demonstrates shading that is implemented

A plane with four spheres, showing off NdotL, specular, and colored lights

The same scene but with the three backing rectangles added

Showing point and directional lights working

Showing off sine textures

Sine textures with super sampling

Advanced texture mapping example with four spheres

This is output from the C# version (this is what it should look like)

This is a rendering showing the results from a bug that took several hours to track down

This shows one fix to the above mentioned bug, only to show another bug