EXTRAS: from our fellow students


·       Working in Linux environment: here is a short information guide of working with C#/WinForms in the Linux environment (as of 10/2009, the graphics XNA framework API still seems incomplete) by Karl Smeltzer.



·       Network from XNA Framework: here is a short guide to getting simple audio effects in XNA Framework by Souaiaia Moncef.

·       Audio effects: Thanks to the reference from Lonnie Kyser, here are a couple of sites where you can get public domain audio effects:

1.     http://www.soundsnap.com/

2.     http://www.freesound.org/ 


·       Keyboard handler class: here is Neil Erdman’s update of the simple keyboard handling abstraction by Joshua Phillips (based on Chris D’Annunzio’s direct input tutorial, you should read Chris’s tutorial to know the proper header file to include and library to link with).

·       Chapter 3 Step-by-Step guide: in C# and WinForm by Ethan Verrall (refer to the textbook link for details).

·       Selected tutorials from Chapter 4 & 5 in C# and XNA by Robert Stone.



·       Chapter 3 Step-by-Step guide: excellent guide by William Frankhouser (refer to the textbook link for details).


·       Keyboard handler class: here is a simple keyboard handling abstraction by Joshua Phillips (based on Chris D’Annunzio’s direct input tutorial, you should read this tutorial to know the proper header file to include and library to link with). Refer to Neil Erdman’s refinement from Fall 2007.


·       Project cleanup: here is a script (batch file) from Jason Sagmiller that knows how to clean up your project before assignment submission. Notice the script removes itself from the folder, so you may want to save a version somewhere else. As in all free software, use this at your own risk! :-)


·       Working with WTL (alternate GUI API): Tutorial by  Chris Traina.




·       ODE Physics Engine: (thanks to Jordan Phillips): Here is Jordan’s short tutorial, from his final project report. Here are a couple of source files samples (Sample-1, and Sample-2) Jordan developed to show us how to work with ODE.



·       Limiting CWnd Size: Check out WM_GETMINMAXINFO (thanks to Adam Smith).


·       Working with Direct Input: Here is a short/clear/simple tutorial from Chris D’Annunzio on how to with MFC.


·       Getting fancy sound: You can choose from one of the following:

1.     FMod: Here is a short/clear/simple tutorial from Aleksandr Grinberg on how work with sound with FMod

2.     BASS: Here is a simple demo source code from James Jacoby on how work with sound with BASS.



·       Creating Dialog based Application: Here is wonderful tutorial by Jason Pursell. There are some additional information on Jason Pursell’s home page.



·       Sound without DirectX: Thanks to Kazuko Hass for showing me how, and to Steve Baer for the simple and detailed instruction we now know how to play .wav sound without downloading anything. Here is the documentation on the PlaySound() function that will play .wav sound files for us.