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CSS 451 – 3D Computer Graphics

Monday/Wednesday 5:45pm – 7:45pm
            Room: UW2-340

Kelvin Sung (


CSS451        Computing and Software Systems        UW Bothell   


Important Links:

·  GoPost Discussion (questions/comments etc.)

·  Sung, Shirley, Bear: Textbook Tutorials, Powerpoint slides



·   Resources from fellow 450 students

·   XNA: Developing MPs on the XBOX 360 console.

·   Nate Robin’s tutors (in OpenGL)


HLSL Shader:

·   DX9c HLSL Reference Page

·   Intro example

·   References: Syntax,   Models,   Functions

·   Debugging Vertex Shader

·   NEW NShader 1.2: Plug-in for VS2010 for syntax highlighted effect editing.


UWB Resources:

·   Quantitative Skills Center (QSC)

·   Writing Center





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·    Syllabus

·    Your scores for this class at this point. You are identified by your grade ID (on MP1 score sheet).

·    Permission for showing your work (If you don’t mind me showing your work, then PLEASE fill this out!!

Programming Assignments: Submission Area

·    MP7: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Mar 14, 2012. Optional Assignment!

·    MP6: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Mar 7, 2012. March 12, 2012 at 7pm.

·    MP5: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Feb 22, 2012.

·    MP4: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Feb 8, 2012 (Yes, I know, this is the Wednesday).

·    MP3: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Jan 25, 2012. Jan 30, 2012.

·    MP2: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Jan 18, 2012.

·    MP1: Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Jan 11, 2012.


Weekly Examples

·    Week9: Stencils, Reflections, and rotational sweep

·    Week8: Even more on Texture Mapping: noise, normal, shadow, …

·    Week7: More on Texture Mapping: projection,

·    Week6: Texture Mapping

·    Week5: Illumination Model and testing platform

·    Week4: Rotation in 3D, Camera Manipulation, Per Device Effects and Geometries

·    Week3: Snow Blue, Starting GraphicsLibrary, and review of CSS162

·    Week2: Camera Control + MVC

·    Week1: GUI and Graphics Programming: Make sure you read (Chapter 2 of Sung/Shirley/Baer) and follow: Step-by-step WinForm. Here is the source code to the WinForm tutorial (unzip, and look at the Chaper2_XNA folder).


Other Resoruces: (remember to cite your sources!)

·   References to Shaders:

§  NVIDIA HLSL Examples:

§  Dhpoware:

·   NEW Meshes

§  Here is a Sphere with texture coordinate and image of earth and moon that can go with this sphere.

§  Here is a high resolution (100x100) floor mesh, here is a low resolution 2x2 floor mesh.

·   WinMerge

·   Meshes on line: blender, 3DCafe

·   General resources on graphics and games.

·   Physics Engines: bullet physics library, Open Dynamics Engine (ODE, here is a guide from fellow 451 student on ODE), tokamak.

·   Real-Time Rendering Textbook site: Tons of graphics/games references.

CSS451 Home  |   Kelvin Sung  |   CMMR Home  |   CSS Home  |   UW Bothell  |   UW Seattle

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