Configuring Eclipse for JOGL:

You should have Java JDK installed, Eclipse unzipped, and JOGL unzipped. Now you have to configure your development such that the three can be integrated:

1.      Make sure Eclipse knows JDK. This should be easy since your Eclipse download was pre-configured to look for JDK. Remember, Eclipse is a "general IDE" it can be configured to support developments in many languages.

2.      Examine unzipped JOGL: we care about

a.       jar folder: these are the java libraries that we need for both compiling and running JOGL programs

b.      bin folder: these are the "native" library that are required to support efficient running of the programs.

                                                              i.      You need to know what is your OS and CPU, and the files you need are:

1.      Jar files: gluegen-rt.jar, gluegen-rt-natives-OS-CPU.jar, jogl-all.jar, jogl-all-natives-OS-CPU.jar

2.      Bin files: find your corresponding OS-CPU in the unzipped bin JOGL folder.

c.       javadoc: you will need the jogl and gluegen, the documentations support IDE intellisent.

d.      src: in case you want to access the source code to the library during debugging.

3.      Make sure Eclipse knows JOGL: there are a few steps involved.

a.      I find the first tutorial at:, to be extremely helpful. I basically followed the entire tutorial and have my Eclipsed configured to support JOGL without much problems. The only discrepancy is based on a slightly earlier version of Eclipse, when searching for JOGL library, instead of "Add JARs", you will need to "Add External JARs."

b.      When configure for your JOGL library, remember, you can store your JOGL files in any location! This means, you can install your own version of JOGL on Windows machines in the Windows lab!

No, sorry, we are not done yet, at least I think now you need to install a GUI editor extension to Eclipse. I found WindowsBuilder to be ok. Here is how you will install the extension:

4.      Install GUI editor extension to Eclipse: start running Eclipse

a.      Help menuàInstall Software

b.      Select to work with "All Available Sites"

c.       Filter by: Window

d.      Select WindowBuilder and install.

5.      Configure WindowBuilder: start Eclipse

a.      Windows menuàPreferences

b.      Scroll to the bottom and see WindowsBuilder tab

c.       Check: "Associate WindowBuidler editor with automatically recognized Java GUI files"

Now you are ready to develop!! Did you learn anything from this exercise? What are the concepts you have learned and be able to transfer to another language, IDE, graphics API?