Programming Language, IDE, and Graphics Library:

In this class, for this quarter, we will use:

1.      Programming Language:  Java, if you have not worked with Java before, be prepared to learn it in the first week by yourself. By this point, after CSS342, you should be able to pick up any modern high-level language in a few days. I do not really know Java, that's why I am teaching this class with Java.

2.      Graphics API: We will be working with OpenGL (version 3). In university classes, we learn concepts, and OpenGL is a tools for learning (games) or Computer Graphics concepts. Think, you use a Ford Mustang to learn how to drive, afterwards you do not say I took a class to learn Ford Mustang, Right? You take this class and we use OpenGL, and you learn Computer Graphics. For Mustang (or OpenGL) is irrelevant. Remember that.

3.      GUI API: We will be working with the Swing library that comes Java SDK. GUI library lets we build programs that use mouse, and button, slider bar, etc. to interface to our users.

So, language used is Java, graphics library will be OpenGl, and user interface will be based on Swing. Last year, this course was taught in C#, XNA, and WinForm. I thought about C++, D3D, and WPF but that requires Windows-8 which I don't want to install. Since I don't know Java, and have not worked with OpenGL for at least 10 years now, I have decided to on Java and OpenGL. By the way, I don't know Swing either.

Here are the details about the software you will need to install and some other details:

1.      Programming Language Development Toolkit (Java SDK):

·         I am running Java 1.7:

·         What is the difference between JDK (development toolkit) and JRE (runtime environment)?

2.      The Integrated Development Environment (IDE): You can choose any IDE you like, but to keep Jack and I sane, you need to submit source that can be easily imported by Eclipse. Here is the eclipse version I work with:

· (Juno Service Release 1: 4.2).

1.      Download from the Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers

·         Unzip to get the executable, make sure you remember where you have unzipped to. You need to start your executable from the location you have unzipped to.

3.      You need OpenGL for Java (JOGL): Here are some details:

·         Download:

1.      JOGL is part of a larger development effort, don't get overly concern, download and unzip: