Programming/Homework Assignments and Info
Copyright 2010-current year by Carol Zander.
For use of any materials, you must get explicit permission form Carol Zander.
Here is some   basic unix information
  (including a few basic commands)
Here are instructions on  
transferring files to the linux machines in UW1-320
Miscellaneous Rules for Programming Assignments
Make sure your program compiles with the sample main (when given).
You must name everything as I do so it compiles for my tests.
NEVER make me enter characters at the terminal. Remove all
  "cin >> ..."
  from your code before you turn it in.
Use the comment field in catalyst ONLY to describe a known bug
in your code. Do NOT write a comment for any other reason.
Note that I only read comments when I download the class' code.
I don't read comments otherwise.