Lecture #5
Previously on CSS 503A...
Key kernel responsibility: managing processes
- using
, exec
, close
, pipe
, wait
, we know enough to write a rudimentary shell
- userland code (string processing) to determine program(s) to
run; system calls to perform actions
Open files stay open across fork
(unless, per file, you ask kernel not to)
Everything is a file
- programs are simpler, more flexible if they read from
, write to stdout
- design principle: separation between mechanism & policy
- decide at run time how to "wire up" input & output
- simpler program does not have to do anything different when reading from keyboard vs. reading from file
- shell syntax to specify fd 0, 1, 2
- most language runtimes (standard libraries) wrap raw file descriptors into corresponding file objects
- library provides text formatting (convenience) & buffering (efficiency)
Dataflow pipelines: simple "filter" programs can be combined to perform complex operations
- similar to functional style
- or fluent style
Exectuable file: passive data
- structured binary data: ELF (Executable & Linking Format), COFF (Common Object File Format), ...
- can be manipulated by any program that can read/write files (i.e. any program)
System loader (exec
): loads data (i.e. your program) into process memory
- text (code)
- data
- heap: space for dynamic memory allocation (
- may be adjusted dynamically during program execution
- call stack
Running state of program includes registers (esp. PC
{Program Counter}, SP
{Stack Pointer})
Running program:
- registers
- text (code)
- static data: initialized & uninitialized (misnomer: initialized to
- call stack (or just "stack")
- heap (arena): dynamic memory allocation
- open files (descriptors)
- exit status (on program termination)
Kernel view of process: data structure (process control block)
- register save space
- memory map
- table of open files (indexed by file descriptors)
, ppid
, uid
, gid
, nice
, ...
- signal vector
Process state: running, not running
TODO: diagram
System scheduler: picks ready process & runs until it makes a system call, an interrupt occurs, time slice expires (timer interrupt)
More complicated refinements
- short-term vs. long-term waiting
- fast system request vs. slow I/O operation
Signals: software analog of hardware interrupt
- h/w interrupt goes to kernel
- s/w interrupt: kernel manipulates userland state (data & registers)
Signal number: small system-defined integer (symbolic names defined in C header file)
- each signal has semantics & default action
- user makes system call to override (or restore) default behavior
- signal 9 cannot be caught
Typical usage: trap/catch signal to perform cleanup action before program termination
- datacenter-scale management: grace period between SIGINT &
SIGTERM for individual server shutdown
- allow time for in-flight requests to run to completion
without accepting new requests
Signals to notify process
- I/O is available (async I/O)
- child state change (call
to reap zombie)
User-defined signals:SIGUSR1
- e.g. tell server to re-read config file
: send signal
command is thin wrapper around system call
- poor choice of name: doesn't necessarily kill signaled process
Cooperating processes
- simpler, more modular/flexible system designs
- latest incarnation: microservices
- we keep "rediscovering" same basic principles
Cooperating processes need to communicate
/exit status
- only exchange information at program startup/termination
- limited bandwidth, but useful for many cases
- shell uses exit status as Boolean value (loops & conditionals)
- signals: wake up and do something!
- files: awkward & inefficient (klunky)
- but it has been done
- system calls to support this (e.g. async I/O)
- pipes
- file-like: use
system calls
- one-way communication (producer-consumer)
- extremely common paradigm
- but doesn't cover all cases
- must be created by common ancestor (one end may be creator)
- named pipes
- create special entry in filesystem
- open by name (like any other file on filesystem)
- use
system cals
- works like regular pipe, except processes do not require common ancestor
- more awkward than pipes for the most commmon use case
- probably only used today for legacy applications & work-arounds
- networking
2 basic paradigms for communication:
- message passing (aka "shared nothing")
- everything we've seeen so far (esp. pipes)
- shared memory (stay tuned)
Message Passing
- Safer than shared memory
Higher-level than mutexes
- Go (language): channels
- Erlang: mailboxes
- C.A.R. Hoare: Communicating Sequential Processes
Pipes: unstructured data
- pass sequence of bytes
- requires application-level structuring & synchronization
Issues: buffering & synchronization
Blocking vs. non-blocking send
Interprocess Communication (cont.)
System V Message Queues
int msgid = msgget(key_t key, int msgflg);
int msgsnd(int msgid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg);
struct msgbuf {
long mtype,
char mtext[]
C-style casting wizardry: superimpose msgbuf
onto your own data structure.
: use pattern matching on receive.
ssize_t msgrcv(
int msgid,
void * msgp, // pointer to user-allocated space
size_t msgsz,
long msgtype, // pattern matching: select message with this type
int msgflg
System V Semaphores
Semaphore (in real life): flag
- flag up: resource available
- flag down: wait for resource
Up/down (binary value): similar to mutex
Semaphores are more complicated: counter
- decrement counter
- if counter >0, get token
- otherwise, no tokens available: wait until counter > 0
- increment counter, release token
int semid = semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflag); // create/open semaphore set
int sem_op(
int semid,
struct sembuf *sops
unsigned nsops
struct sembuf {
unsignes short sem_num,
short sem_op, // >0: increment; < 0: decrement or wait; 0: wait for zero
short sem_flag // IPC_NOWAIT: return immediately (failure if counter is 0)
Shared Memory
process must explicitly request this
handled by kernel memory management
- memory map: data structure
2 virtual memory segments/pages mapped to same real memory (frame)
- kernel is doing this mapping anyway
- about the fastest you can do IPC: no double buffering
kernel datastructure: shmid_ds
: similar to file structure (inode
- permissions
- timestamps
- size (#pages)
- frames (array of pointers)
- ...
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
// create/access shared memory
int shmid = shmget(
key_t key,
size_t size,
int shmflg
: small non-negative integer, like file descriptor (-1 for failure)
: typedef for long
- "identifier" -- like filename
- must be shared across all processes wishing to share that piece of memory
: take pathname & proj_id to generate key_t
: bitmapped flags
- symbolic constants,
ed together
- owner/group/other permissions: like file
- create if it doesn't exist & fail if it does
So we hae a shmid
(descriptor), now what?
: get/set flags
: attach/detach
void* shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, in t shmflg)
- prefer:
shmaddr = NULL
- more portable
- let system decide where to put it
Example flag: SHM_RDONLY
- read-only segment
- consumer in producer-consumer
- subscriber in pub-sub
returns void *
- can use like any other pointer in C
- be careful to avoid scribbling over memory at the same time another process is scribbling
- need synchronization mechanism to avoid clobbering data
- cast to any meaningful type
- pointer arithmetic (arrays)
- be careful not to scribble outside the lines
- application requests ponter to block of
bytes (like malloc
- application must cast memory into appropriate data structures
- applications must synchronize concurrent access
Most common uses case: both processes execute same program
- why not just use threads?
JVM: multiple programs in single VM session
Sample code on slide (bad example)
- spin lock (busy wait)
- assumes
is atomic (we'll revisit this)
mmap(2): map file to memory
- alternative to
- kernel still needs to manage block I/O
Shared lilbraries .so
(DLL in Windows)
- all programs do I/O:
- standard library: buffered & formatted
- each process has "copy" of library
- only need single copy in memory if all processes map virtual memory to same real memory
Dynamic linking: link at load time
- that's why linking & loading are often conflated
Processes are protected against stomping/clobbering each other
- separate memory spaces
- hardware controls set by kernel
Kernel has total access to processes's address space
- context switch: kernal saves registers (register state)
Have you ever written a (C++) program with a wild pointer?
- imagine debugging the problem if you wild pointer scribbles over someone else's process--or vise versa
Threads are more lightweight than processes
- more responsive
- lower resource consumption
- faster context switching (between threads)
- only have to reload the registers
- useful for scaling algorithms
- better solution for assignment 1 (see my Go solution)
- deadlock avoidance (slides show 2 pipes for bidirectional communication)
- YMMV: in your instructor's humble opinion, threads make deadlock/race conditions more likely
- scalability: parallelization of algorithms on multi-core architectures
Process: single executable program
- all threads in process are running the same program
- at different execution points
Similar to processes (but different)
Concurrent execution paths within single process
- common memory/resources (e.g. open files)
- each thread has its own stack (local variables)
- smaller than system stack of single-threaded process
- data to manage threads (e.g. save registers)
Inter-thread communication: both easier & harder than inter-process communication
Downsides of processes
- fairly expensive to set up (machine resources)
- inter-process communication is klunky
Solution: abandon what makes processes great & have multiple "threads of control" within single process
- concurrent execution paths within single process
Thread may be implemented in
- kernel (system support)
- userland (library support)
- both
Deadlock Example
TODO: diagram
- IMHO, example looks a bit farfetched
User (Green) Threads vs. Kernel Threads
can implement threads via
- kernel
- e.g. Linux
- extended kernel data structure
- user library
- Java
- pthreads (Posix)
- Erlang (calls them "processes" just to be confusing)
- Go (goroutines)
user library: may or may not have kernel support
- full support: 1-1 mapping between library threads & kernel threads
- library may be more convenient/portable (e.g. pthreads)
- no support
- library has access to its own address space (since it's part of the process)
- create application-level process control block data structure
- handle own scheduling
- non-preemptive (cooperative): expicit yield
- timer:
- textbook calls this many:1
- hybrid: multiplexing (many:many)
communication between thread (within process): both easier & harder
- shared memory
- must take care to avoid race conditions & deadlocks
messge passing is becoming more popular: easier to reason about (safer)
- erlang/elixir
- Go
- Scala/Akka
functional style: immutable data
Threading Issues
interaction with fork
thread cancellation
- what happens to shared resources (e.g. locks)?
- async vs deferred
signal handling
- synchronous (e.g. illegal memory access)
- received by currently-running thread
- asynchronous (e.g. SIGINTR -- control-C)
thread pools: relatively expensive to create threads: pay overhead cost at program startup
- "worker pool"
- send unit-of-work to worker
Java threads
- method 1:
- subclass
- override
- method 2:
- implement
public interface Runnable {public abstract void run();}
- create thread object initialized with
Thread t = new Thread(new RunnableImpl());
- start thread
- wait for thread completion (wrap in try/catch block in case of InterruptedException)
low-overhead threads (Erlang, Go, Scala/Akka): no need for worker pools
- just create as many threads as needed
- use other mechanisms for rate limiting (e.g. Go buffered channels)
other abstractions for concurrency
- futures/promises
- parallel container classes
Posix Thread (pthreads)
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// User-defined thread function
// Takes pointer arg, returns pointer value.
// - most-general API: user-defined data
// - requires caution: not type-safe
void *thread_func(void *param);
int pthread_create(
pthread_t *thread,
const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine)(void *),
void *arg
thread termination
- thread calls
- exit status passed to
- other thread calls
pthread attributes