1. Go to www.dreamspark.com
  2. Under the "Get Started" column, click "Sign In", and sign into or create a Windows Live account.
  3. Once back at www.dreamspark.com , click on "Get Verified".
  4. Follow instructions to enter school information. Activate membership from the email that is sent to you.
  5. Go to https://windowsphone.create.msdn.com/Register/
  6. Follow steps to register as a student. You may be prompted to update information on xbox.com, do so, and return to https://windowsphone.create.msdn.com/Register/ .
  7. Complete registration and activate using the email that is sent to you.
  8. Install the Zune software from: http://www.zune.net/en-US/products/software/download/default.htm
  9. Plug in your phone to your computer
  10. Install Windows Phone Developer Tools from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=04704acf-a63a-4f97-952c-8b51b34b00ce
  11. Make sure your identity has been verified on App Hub (view using My Dashboard), if not, chat with GeoTrust and ask them to verify your identity manually. https://www.geotrust.com/support/chat/order-processing.html (Enter 0s for your order number).
  12. Go to Start > Windows Phone Developer Tools > Windows Phone Developer Registration Tool (Zune software must be running)
  13. Enter login information and click register