ChemE/ENGR 260 — Thermodynamics

Instructors: Professor Daniel Schwartz Dawn Scovell, TA

Office: 353 Benson Hall B11 Benson Hall

Office Hours: Mon. 12:30 — 1:30 pm, by appointment Tues. 10:30 am — 12:30 pm



9:30 — 10:20 am each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Benson 117

Problem Section

8:30 — 10:20 am each Tuesday in Benson 117


Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 3rd Ed., 1998 by Y.A. Çengel and M.A. Boles.


MLK Holiday Monday No Class 1/18/99

Hour Exam 1 Wednesday 9:30 — 10:20 am 1/27/99

President's Day Holiday Monday No Class 2/15/99

Hour Exam 2 Wednesday 9:30 — 10:20 am 2/24/99

Final Examination Wednesday 8:30 — 10:20 am 3/17/99


Homework assignments are due on Wednesdays at the beginning of class. Homework will account for 75 points towards your course grade. Only selected homework problems will be graded. Complete solutions will be made available in the Engineering Copy Center (Room 202, Engineering Library) on Wednesday afternoons. Late homework will not be accepted. If you desire, you may work on homework in small study groups, but make certain you do the bulk of the work individually. You won't have your study group partners to help you on exams!


There will be two one-hour exams during the quarter. Each one-hour exam is worth 100 points towards your course grade. The final exam will be comprehensive and will count for 150 points. There will be no makeup exams.


There will be quizzes each week during the first 10 — 15 minutes of the Problem Section. The two lowest quizzes will be dropped. Any missed quizzes (up to a maximum of 2) will automatically be dropped with no chance of a makeup. The sum of your best quizzes will account for 75 points towards your course grade.

Grading Summary

Hour Exams (2 x 100) 200

Final Exam 150

Weekly Quizzes 75

Homework 75

Maximum possible 500


If any student has a learning disability or other special need, please inform the instructor during the first week of class so that we may make arrangements to accomodate you.

Homework Assignments

Set 1

Due 1/13/99 Ç&B 1-8, 1-11, 1-42E, 1-44, 1-51E, 1-53E, 1-65, 1-66, 2-26, 2-27E

Set 2

Due 1/20/99 Ç&B 2-30, 2-45, 2-48E, 2-51E, 2-52, 2-55E, 2-74, 2-83

Set 3

Due 1/27/99 Ç&B 2-101, 2-102, 3-22, 3-26, 3-34, 3-39E, 3-55, 3-80E, 3-85E

Set 4

Due 2/3/99 Ç&B 3-95, 3-105, 3-108E, 3-116, 3-120E, 3-123, 4-11, 4-14E

Set 5

Due 2/17/99 Ç&B 4-35, 4-37E, 4-44, 4-45, 4-57E, 4-79, 4-100, 4-122, 5-22, 5-27, 5-34

Set 6

Due 2/24/99 Ç&B 5-58E, 5-65, 5-86E, 5-90E, 5-102, 5-107, 5-129, 6-37E, 6-42

Set 7

Due 3/3/99 Ç&B 6-61E, 6-76, 6-102E, 6-114E, 6-121, 6-126E, 6-127, 6-138, 6-163

Set 7

Due 3/10/99 Ç&B 8-73E, 8-77, 8-82, 9-4, 9-17, 9-21, 9-26, 9-29E