Explores role of thermodynamics, charge transfer kinetics, and mass transfer on behavior of electrochemical systems. Includes cell thermodynamics, faradaic and non-faradaic rate processes, ionic transport, nucleation and growth theories. Applications to chemical sensors, batteries, corrosion, thin film deposition. Each week includes 1.5 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory.
Offered: W.
See also Instructor Course Description: http://www.washington.edu/students/icd/S/cheng/461dts.html
Class Handouts
Class and Lab Schedule for Winter 2007
Series: Standard
Experiment Descriptions
Electrochemical Science Experiments - performed by all students
-Experiment 1A - Behavior at and far from equilibrium.
-Experiment 1B - Charge transfer kinetics at small deviations from equilibrium.
-Experiment 1C - Mass Transfer at Rotating Electrodes
writing-up Experiment 1
Electrochemical Technology Experiments - students select two
from list below (subject to change).
-Rechargeable Battery Characterization
-Electrochemical Sensor for Detecting Cesium "Dirty Bombs"
-Student Conceived Project---to be arranged with