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EE 420
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Instructor: Payman Arabshahi, Applied Physics Laboratory and Dept. of Electrical Engineering, ude.notgnihsaw.ee@namyap, Tel: (206) 221-6990. Office hours: after class (EEB 031), or by appointment. Teaching Assistant: Benjamin Morgan, ude.notgnihsaw.u@5nagromb, Tel: (206) 616-9249. Office Hours: T/Th 1:30 - 3:00 pm, in 445 EEB, or by appointment.
Class Mailing List: ude.notgnihsaw.u@41ps_a024ee. Class Discussion Board: https://catalyst.uw.edu/gopost/board/paymana/32760/ Textbook: D. Pu and A.M. Wyglinski, Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio, Artech House, 2013. Course Description: Design and implementation of communication system modules and an end-to-end system using Matlab and Simulink toolboxes and a software defined radio platform (USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral). The course focuses on developing skill sets to develop process and solutions to meet design and system performance requirements. The prototyping and experimentation of communications systems via software-defined radio will enable greater flexibility in the assessment of design trade-offs as well as the illustration of real world operational behavior. Performance comparisons with quantitative analytical techniques will be conducted in order to reinforce digital communication system design concepts. Experimentation topics include software-defined radio architectures and implementations, digital signaling and data transmission analysis in noise, digital receiver structures (matched filtering, correlation), multicarrier communication techniques, radio frequency spectrum sensing and identification (energy detection, matched filtering), and fundamentals of radio resource management. Work will be carried out in teams, and documented in reports and presentations. Class meets for two lectures a week and a lab session. For the most part, students will work on lab projects. Prerequisite: An inquisitive mind, knowledge of linear systems theory in discrete and continuous time (EE235, EE341), digital communication systems (EE 417), and MATLAB programming experience.
References The following books are on reserve at the Engineering Library (4-hour checkout).
Last updated on March 30 15:53:22 PDT | ||