Cylinder Head Assembly


  1. Replace the Cylinder Head Gasket on the Cylinder Block.
  2. Place the Cylinder Head back on top of the Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head Gasket. Replace the seven 3/8" bolts by hand.   Be sure to attach the Tab for the Spark Plug Wire when putting the bolts on.

  3. BE CAREFUL ON THIS NEXT STEP!  Using the torque wrench tighten the bolts to 140 in lbs or 11.5 ft lbs (Note - 140 in lbs is not very much torque). Follow the diagram below for the proper sequence in which to tighten the bolts and do the operation in 3 stages (to 50 in- lb, 100 in - lb and 140 in - lb) as described below.

  4. Ensure the Spark Plug is free of any debris before placing it into the Cylinder Head. Once the Cylinder Head is installed, thread the Spark Plug back into the Cylinder Head by hand, then tighten it using the ratchet and the 13/16" spark plug.