Pegger set up Instructions


Pegger has been developed on ArcView3.x.  So, you have to have ArcView3.x installed on the machine where you plan on running Pegger. 

Make sure to install the appropriate extensions as well, e.g. Spatial_Analyst or  3D_Analyst.

Before you start with Pegger, the appropriate files typically are prepped in ArcGIS such as contour layers, slope class layers, stream layers, etc, anything that impacts road locations.

From the DEM file you create

1.       Contour shape file with appropriate contour  interval.  Typically select 1 ft contour interval.  It provides for a better pegging alignment than a standard 10-ft contour map

2.       Create also a 10-ft contour shape file.  This layer typically will be displayed during the pegging process.  The pegging actually will use the 1-ft contour layer, since it will provide for a smoother grade line.

3.       Create additional layers such as slope class maps, stream map, roads, etc.  It helps in visualizing where to go with the pegged routes and which areas to avoid.

4.       IMPORTANT!!:  Store those folders and files in the C-directory (NOT “My documents).  ArcView does NOT tolerate any empty spaces in folder and file names.



Start AcView

Check boxes in Extensions for ,                 Pegger,                Spatial Analyst

And any other extension that may be appropriate, if any

Make sure to have Pegger and Spatial Analyst active

(check box under             File>Extensions)

Check    create new project > check      as a blank project



Click on New  > Project > Rename > type the Project name (e.g. St_Ed_Project)

Then click  “Open”

To add themes (or layers) click on   +



Then navigate to the proper directory where the layers are

Select the desired layer (e.g. Kl_st_ed_contour.shp), click OK

Add both the 1 ft contour.shp and the 10 ft contour.shp layer

Make sure, that

“Data Source Types”      drop-down-window  is set to


The layer gets added but does not yet display.

You can change the display lines, etc by double-clicking on the layer theme  and select line color, etc



To help with the pegging process it is useful to add additional layers such as

·         slope class, to help with identifying critical areas

·         hillshade to help with terrain visualization

·         stream layers

·         etc..


Again click on the “ Add Theme” button, navigate to folder. 

Slope classes and hillshade themes are rasters, so make sure to select “Grid Data Source” in drop down menue.

hillshade themes are “Image Data Source” so select it in the Drop-Down menue.


Slope class breaks have to be set now to the desired values.  Double click on the slope class layer,

then click on “Classify”

Then select the desired colors (double click in the color box) and type in the desired slope class range and breaks         -                click  “Apply” button



To delete a theme click on “ Edit” > “Delete” in the GUI


Starting the Pegging Process

Create new road theme

View > new theme

 (the one you are going to peg).  Make sure to select “line”


Save it to the proper location



Next you have to create the correct table layout

Make the new road theme active by clicking on the layer in the Table of Content (Start Editing)

Theme > Table


Open now the table to create the necessary fields to store grade info and road names

Add fields for “Grade” and “Road_Name” 

                Edit > Add Field



Make sure to define the Type (Number or string)



Close table view and open “Setup Pegger” to finish the setup process

Roads > Setup pegger

Contour theme > select the appropriate contours.  Make sure to select the 1 ft contour theme

Elevation field, should show the appropriate cont our interval (e.g. 1 ft)

Grade field and road name

If Elevation Field is grayed out, click on drop down window of Contour Theme again


If elevation field does not show up, then go back to contour theme, select from drop down menu anything and try again.  Usually just hung up so needs some “shaking”.


pick any other field to wiggle the memory, go back and pick elevation again from selection and it should work


Select the appropriate drop-down field for Elevation, Grade Field and Road Name


Usually click NO.

To set the appropriate snapping tolerances

Theme > Properties,      then

in the “Theme Properties “window click on Editing and set the desired snapping tolerances



Make theme (layer ) active (e.g. ccontour layer)

Start Editing        Theme > Start Editing

Click on snap tool (now you can set snap tolerances interactively on screen)

Click on snap tool


Then click inside map view and drag, it will set the snap tolerance distance (circle).  The pegger toll will snap to the nearest  vertex of a contour line within that snapping tolerance (the circle distance you just set).

Now you are ready to go

Roads > Road Grade

Enter desired grade and then click on the Pegger Tool

To start a new road with the Pegging tool, hold down the shift key while clicking on a contour line in the view. Pegging will begin when you click on a single contour line.

If Pegger cannot determine which contour is the desired start point then the following information will be displayed:

In that case, zoom in so you select just one vertex


Use the “Select Tool” to select and delete unwanted pegged intervals.

To restart pegging and connect where you left off

Put Pegger Tool at the desired location you left off  (e.g. last pegging interval), then

“Shift – Click “in order to connect, then move Pegger tool ahead and click as you go

To stop editing a theme and commit your edits

Choose Stop Editing from the View's Theme menu or Stop Pegging from the Roads menu to disable editing on the theme. You will be prompted to save your edits.


Moving pegged road to RoadEng

Pegger can export a digital road survey to RoadEng® for detailed road design. Pegger exports digital road surveys in the Criterion Unit Survey .pol format.

To survey a pegged road for export to RoadEng, either ArcView Spatial or 3D Analyst must be installed and enabled. To enable Spatial or 3D Analyst select Extensions under the File menu. In addition, a valid GRID data source or TIN data source must be in the active view and a single polyline feature selected.

Pegger will only survey single polyline features. If you have a road made of many polyline segments, merge or dissolve  the features into a single feature.

Make sure to stop editing and save the feature


To use the “ Survey P-Line” function, 

1.       Select the road line or segment you want exported

a.       By using the “Select Feature” symbol

Survey P-Line from the Roads menu.

This will bring up a dialog where you can specify an 8-character survey name (PEGGER by default), the surface theme to use (either a GRID or TIN) and some survey options.


Make sure to select surface theme, e.g.   “Kl_st_ed_dem” of the area

The Distance between side shots is the horizontal distance between side shot elevation values, perpendicular to the road or on an angle bisector if the side shots are at a Turning Point (TP).

The Number of side shots per side is the number of elevation values to collect on each side of the P-Line. If your data is stored in feet and the Distance between side shots is 25 and the number of side shots per side is 4, then 4 side shots will be taken at 25 foot intervals up to 100 feet away from the road on each side of the P-Line.

By default, Pegger only surveys the elevation surface at turning points. If you would like to survey the elevation surface at a regular interval that is more dense than the turning points then select Densify and enter a distance between survey points.

Optionally, the survey points can be drawn in the active view as graphics, This allows you to see the points where Pegger is surveying the elevation surface and preview what will be imported into RoadEng.

By default, Pegger will name the output unit survey .pol file with the same name as the shapefile being surveyed and place it in the same directory. If you would like to specify an alternate location or name, select Browse…

Information about how to import a Pegger survey into RoadEng, see the topic

Importing Unit Survey Into RoadEng