Bridge Design Process
Prepared by E. Farm and M. Ferry
3 FEB 99
- STEP 1: Gather Information
- design and overload vehicle axle loading
- bridge options (i.e. glulam, portable, concrete)
- bridge design references (i.e. USFS, FERIC, AASHTO)
- computer models (i.e. BRIDGE, TBSR)
- abutment design
- field notes of site survey
- distributor information (web)
- hydrologic data (i.e. 100 yr. flood level)
- STEP 2: Determine Bridge Specifications
- determine span length from site survey
- determine road width from design/overload vehicle
- determine if simple or continuous span is required
- specify type of decking (will give bending/shear properties)
- specify type of beam (will give bending/shear properties)
- determine the dead load (decking, running surface, curb/railing)
- STEP 3: Hand Calculations based on USFS Timber Bridge Manual
- Reference Bridge Design Procedure prepared by Mark Ferry
- define basic bridge configuration and design criteria (see STEP 2)
- select beam combination symbol
- determine deck dead load and dead load moment
- determine live load moment
- determine beam size based on bending
- check live load deflection
- check horizontal shear
- check lateral and longitudinal loads
- determine bearing strength and stress
- determine camber
- STEP 4: Computer Model Calculations based on USFS TBSR program
- Reference Process Diagram for Using Timber Bridge Superstructure Rating Program prepared by Eric Farm
- input design specifications
- ensure distribution factor (df) is nearly equal for interior and exterior stringers
- input design vehicle/axle load
- ensure inventory(design) and operating(overload) ratios are greater than 1
- if ratio is greater than 1 design is acceptable, if ratio is less than 1 design will fail under specified loading
- STEP 5: Verification of Computer Model
- compare output of model to hand calculations based an same design inputs