UW FE Map Technology


The following amls are used by the UW FE department to produce maps for the DNR planning process. To use the Amls you need the coverages listed in the Aml. Coverages can be obtained from the UW FE department by calling (360) 832-3879. Run the specific map Aml in Arcplot using the &r map2000 sheet command. All suporting Amls nust be in the users atool/arcplot directory. After the aml is done running use: trashmap plot to save the output to a file.

AML's needed for all maps

logocfr.aml, logocfr.e00 Adds the College of Forest Resources logo
logofe.aml, logofe_left.tif Adds the Forest Engineering logo
neatbox.aml Creates neatlines around map features
print_amlname.aml Prints the name of the Aml and the map creator
scalebar.aml Adds a scalebar
source_info.aml Documents the data source information for map data
trashmap.aml Creates the output file
ap_settings.aml Stores Arcplot settings, used in a variety of places

Specific Mapping AML's

areamap2000.aml, areamap2000_symbols.aml 1" = 800' scale map of the entire planning area with typical map features: contours, roads, streams, wetlands, planning boudary, section lines
basemap2000.aml, basemap2000_symbols.aml 1" = 400' scale basemaps for transportation planning and setting design. Map features: slopeclasses, contours, planning boundary, section lines, stand data, DNR sales, wetlands, streams, roads, tics
plansmap2000.aml, plansmap2000_symbols.aml 1" = 400' scale basemaps for PLANS setting design. Map features:
ridgerds2000.aml, ridgerds2000_symbols.aml 1" = 400' scale GRID analysis Road location map
ticmap2000.aml, ticmap2000_symbols.aml Tics for digitizing and drawing settings