Winter 2005

Grading Policy

The student's responsibilities in this course are the following:

1. Attendance at all classes. If attendance is impossible because of illness or other emergency, student should notify instructor in advance by e-mail or telephone.

2. Preparation of assignments prior to the class for which they are due.

3. Participation in class discussions.

4. One major report on a topic to be determined during the first week of the course. The report will first be given orally in class, following guidelines to be indicated by the instructor. It will then be prepared in written form and handed in before the end of the course.

5. Occasional short oral reports on topics to be assigned in class.

6. At the end of the course, completion of a set of take-home essays on topics to be given during the final days of the course.

The course grade will be based on the quality of the student's performance in each of these areas. Items 4 and 6 will account for approximately 60% of the final grade.


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