
Translate to Spanish:

1.  There is a new bridge over the river.

2.  We were strolling under the warm December sun.

3.  The children hid the skeleton under the house.

4.  According to the government, this product is not fit to eat.

5.  We will work until Tuesday, then we are going to rest until Pepe  comes.

6.  He was called before the court to explain his son's debts.

7.  On top of the table there was a small dish with food for the cat.

8.  The lecture will be in the library at 10:00.

9.  I live far from my mother's house but near the university.

10. She parked the car to the left of the church and left the keys inside.

11. Carmen's father posed no objection to her going out with Pepe.


12. The fact that my crocodile bit you is no reason for us to fight.

13. He placed his desk in front of the door because he didn't want his mother to come into his room.

14. They listened to the shouts, then went toward where the voices were coming from.

15. My life in Spain was very different from the one I was used to in the U.S.

16. The boss told me what I couldn't talk about at work.


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