360 Learning Objective Questions – Review 2
6F Flow Maps as Geographic Information Representations
6F1. Discuss how you would map nominal data as airline routes between cities, or ordinal data as routes with more or less comfort based on passenger satisfaction, or interval data as the number on airline passengers flying between cities. What type of flow map as discussed in lecture would you use to do this?
6F2. Three types of flow maps are: network, radial, and distributive. How might you use each of three types to map transportation-related data such as traffic data in the Central Puget Sound Region? You might have to consider more types of phenomena than treated in the lab assignment.
6F3. Map legends are suggested to be
the "key" to the information on the map. Suggest three
alternative legend designs that could be used on your traffic flow map of
7M. Spatial Reference Systems and Points, Lines,
Polygons, and Surfaces
7M1. What are two fundamental types of spatial reference systems (framework for position)?
7M2. What are two fundamental types of coordinate systems?
7M3. What is the relationship between map projections and planar (i.e. state plane & UTM) coordinates?
7W. Digital Elevation Models (DEMo)
using x, y, z portrayed in 2D Mapping
7W1. What are two fundamental types of surfaces?
7W2. How does a database of points differ from a graphic display of that database of points?
7W3. What are digital elevation models (DEMos) as types of database structures?
7W4. What is the difference among landscape, terrain, and elevation?
7W5. What is the difference among typography, topology, and topography in regards to map representation?
7F. 2D and 3D Mapping – Contour Maps, Volumetric Displays, and Terrain Rendering
7F1. How does one create contours with a DEMo?
7F2 What is the influence of data density on a DEMo?
7F3 What is analytical hill shading, and how is it useful in map displays?
7F4 What are the different types of viewing projections for map displays?
7F5 What are the different types of viewing parameters useful in map displays?
7F6 What are some examples of 3D displays with viewing parameter influence?
7F7 How might elevation, terrain, and landscape models be used in sustainability mapping?
8M. Digital Elevation Models and Watershed Sustainability
8M1 Describe how you might use 3D map displays of elevation as a base for depicting sustainability indicators. Choose at least two sustainability indicators to communicate some aspect of watershed sustainability in your discussion.
8M2. What influence do viewing parameters have on 3D displays that portray watershed sustainability indicators? Sketch your answers if it helps.
8M3. How does your choice among DEMo database structures (as representations of the world) and map display types (as representations of what is in the database) provide a benefit for understanding how to represent information about watershed sustainability?
8W. Critical Thinking (Enquiry) Strategies for Final
8W1. What are alternative approaches to developing a problem statement?
8W2. What is cartographic workflow?
8W3. How can we view learning as a process of geographic enquiry development?
8W4. What are the steps in a critical enquiry process?
8F. Geospatial data search
8F1. What are the data resources available to you?
8F2. How do you get access to those data resources?
8F3. What data sources might be useful to you in your final project?
9W. Final Project Opportunities, Challenges, and Database
9W1 What issues/questions are unclear about the final project assignment?
9W2 What are the opportunities
and/or questions associated with final project problem definition?
9W3 What questions do you have about database design?
9W4 What questions do you have about data manipulation?
9W5 What questions do you have about map types?
9F. Data formatting and data format conversion
9F1 What is data formatting?
9F2 How is data formatting important to GIS database projects and your final project?
9F3 How does database design relate to data formatting?
9F4 What is data item/record/file format conversion?
10M. Using GIS for Urban Inventory Mapping
10M1. What kind of geospatial inventory information does society need from GIS use?
10M2. What are the steps in large-scale map compilation and who performs them?
10M3. What are various uses for large scale maps in an urban setting?
10M4. What is the range of “large-scale” for urban and regional mapping?
10W. GIS for Urban and Regional Sustainability Mapping
10W1 What does sustainability really mean?
10W2 Based on your experience in
Geography 360 (and perhaps elsewhere), how might we make use of GIS for
sustainability mapping at the urban and regional scale?
10W3 What are some connections to other faculty/concentrations/themes in the Geography Dept?