German 311: Critical Approaches to German Literature                                                 J.K. Brown

MWF 9:30-10:20                                                                                                              Denny 334

Fall 2011                                                                                     

Course web site:          OH: M 10:30-11:20, W 11:30-12:20

Critical Approaches to German Literature

Goals: This course is intended to introduce you to the basic techniques of literary discussion, to develop your ability to interpret by close reading of German literature, and to refine your writing skills through frequent assignments of either one-page exercises, 3-5 page papers (typed double-spaced), and one report. The course website contains terminology, study questions, glossaries and supplementary materials to help you work toward these goals.

Policies: The general method of instruction is through lectures and classroom discussions. The primary language of instruction is German. We recommend that the student have completed German 203 or its equivalent. Readings of up to 30 pages of text in German are assigned for every class meeting. You will be graded on your papers (20% each) and your oral participation and short exercises combined (40%). Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day assigned; exceptions on paper due dates can only be made with the advance permission of the instructor. There can be no exceptions on exercises or reports. All assignments are to be written in English.

Required Texts: are available at U bookstore: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts, Kafka, Die Verwandlung, Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm. The poems assigned 9/28-10/5 and 11/28-30 are on the course web site (as are the optional text for 10/8 and the texts for 11/14-16 and 11/28): You will also need a good dictionary. I like the Oxford/Langenscheidt's currently. There are also two on-line dictionaries, and Neither is oriented toward the material in this course; you will probably find them often quite good, but not fully dependable for our purposes.

Anyone with a documented disability requiring special accommodation must meet with the instructor during the first week of classes to arrange for such accommodation.


9/28: Introduction: the course, the website, reading poetry
9/30: Eichendorff, "Die Nachtblume," "Sehnsucht" [also look at terminology for poetry on the             website] Ex 1

10/3: Goethe, "Der Fischer," "Der Erlkönig," Ex 2

10/5: Goethe, "Auf dem See," Dämmrung senkte sich von oben" [Writing an essay on poetry: Q-s             & A-s.] Ex 3

10/7: Goethe, "Wanderers Nachtlied," "Ein Gleiches," Hölderlin, "Hälfte des Lebens" Ex 4

10/10: Introduction to Narrative: Kafka, overheads [optional: "Eine kaiserliche Botschaft"             website] Paper 1

10/12: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts chapter 1 [look at terminology for             narrative on website]                         Ex 5

10/14: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts chapter 2

10/17: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts chapter 3 Ex 6

10/19: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts chapters 4-6

10/21: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts chapters 7-8

10/24: Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts chapters 9-10 Ex 7

10/26: Kafka, Die Verwandlung, pp. Ex 8

10/28: Kafka, Die Verwandlung, pp.

10/31: Kafka, Die Verwandlung, pp.

11/2: Kleist: "Das Bettelweib von Locarno" Paper 2

11/4: no class 

11/7: Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm act 1, scenes 1-4

             Please note under Ex 9 my suggested model for keeping track of the play. I encourage             you to keep a running synopsis, but do not ask you to turn it in.

11/9: Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm act 1 (all)

11/11: no class

11/14: Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm act 2

11/16: Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm act 3

11/18: Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm act 4

11/21: Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm act 5
11/23: C.F Meyer: "Der römische Brunnen," Rilke: "Römische Fontäne" [website]

11/25: holiday

11/28: Rilke: "Herbsttag," Trakl: "Verklärter Herbst" [website] Paper 3
11/30: Celan: "Todesfuge" [handout]

12/2: Celan: selected poems [handout]

12/5: " "

12/7: Poetry Reports

12/9: Poetry Reports