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Math 421  Spring '07
Conceptual Calculus for Teachers: How Does Calculus Work, and Why Does it Work that Way?

Instructor: Prof. Stephen Monk
Office: C-339 Padelford Hall

Office Hours: Wednesday 12:30-1:30


Phone: (206) 362-1439


Course description and expectations:

This course is aimed at future high school mathematics teachers who have already studied calculus, but want a deeper, more intuitive grasp of the subject. Such understanding should be rewarding for its own sake, as well as be helpful to them as future teachers of high school calculus. The emphasis throughout the course will be on in-depth, intuitively rich understanding of the ideas of calculus through multiple approaches to basic concepts and multiple solutions to the central questions and issues of the subject..

In this course, students will engage in a variety of activities, both individually and in groups, to investigate questions such as:

What does the area under a graph have to do with the distance covered by a moving object?
What do we mean when we talk about the direction of a curve at a single point?
In what way are tangent lines and area under a graph "opposite" or "reciprocal" concepts?
What do we know about the position vs. time function for a moving object, when we have the velocity vs. time function for the object?
What does the Fundamental Theorem say and why do they call it that?

The materials and activities in this course will be quite varied. In their work in this course, students will discuss their understanding of the mathematical ideas with one another; solve traditional mathematics problems; use a computer spreadsheet to solve calculus problems; write reports summarizing what they have learned, and keep a Reflective Journal.

There will be no examinations in the course. Course grades will be based on the quality of written work and classroom discussion. W-credit for the course is available. There is no required textbook for the course. Course materials will be distributed via the web. The course meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 12:20.

This course and Math 497, as it is offered in Spring 2007, are complements. There is very little overlap between them.

If you would like more information about this course, just click on names of documents under Information for prospective students, or contact Steve Monk.


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